VEGASS(pt 1)

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-hey guys sorry i have been gone for so long i have been busy with school and i have also been going through depression and tough relationships i honestly wished i had more time in my life to write but important things like school and my life get in the way sometimes but i hope to be uploading more sooner in the future! enjoy the new story-

(they arrive to Vegas as they load of the plane and into the party bus)

After we got of the plane, we all loaded onto the party bus. the girls had one side of the car and the boys had the other side some of us were getting black out drunk while the others observed and looked out the window. i was talking to juicy as we were talking about the baby and who would it most likely look like the most. i told him that i would hands down be the best uncle and maybe narrator but mainly me. after we got of the party bus we thanked the driver terry and began to head into the hotel. the deal was that juicy and Eddie got a penthouse with josh and mully and narrator and jire got a room with Kevin and gabby and liv. everyone got to their rooms as some of us sat down and had something to drink . i went to my room as i sat down and had a little cuddle time with Mullen. As we were starting to make out Eddie busted in and said that the boys had to make a video i groaned annoyed that this was affecting me and mully's cuddle and make out time but we got up as we all got into a limbo and headed to the mall as we thought it would be a good idea to go buy narrator his first watch as we came from that store i saw Eddie and juicy kissing by the ice cream shop as i walked over to them and interrupted them like Eddie did to me.

at the time i was about a month pregnant already but i wasn't showing yet as Eddie took me to get ice cream at the mall because he told me it would make me feel better because i often have major mood swings and Eddie didn't want me to be sad or mad after we got ice cream i pulled him in for a kiss as a thank you as he leaned into it josh came and interrupted us as he smirked saying that they had just came from getting narrator watch and they were ready to leave. me and Eddie went to one last store as we all loaded into the limbo once again. we headed back to the hotel to get changed for a the boys party we were having at the club for all the fans to come and see us. me and Eddie didn't want to announce the pregnancy out to anyone at the moment because Eddie didn't want me to be in danger of any fans or haters. when we headed to the hotel i changed into a big black the boys hoodie as i put on fish nets and black ripped jeans on top as i waited for Eddie to finish up. i saw him walk out with nike shirt and one of the boys jacket as he had black jeans on as well and he had the shoes i bought him for his birthday on as i looked him up and down he looked irresistible.. but suddenly i came back to my senses as i took his hand and we all started to walk out back to the limousine.

At the time we were at home and on the plane and even when we got to Vegas, i was in deep thought about how i'm going to be a father soon and everything would change. It was exciting but it was nerve wreaking at the same time. as i came out of me and Gaege's room i saw him starring at me with a impressed face as i looked back at him and grinned saying "is their something that caught your eye mí amor? he stuttered before snapping out of it and replied. "oh um no you just look really ready to g-go?" i laughed slightly hearing his stutter as i nodded yes. i helped him up from the couch as i took his hand and we walked out the girls had already left but it was just the boys and Kevin so we all got in a car and headed to the club. the club was the one we booked just for fans to show up and party with us. the party was wild and crazy but at all times i couldn't help but keep my eyes on Gaege... i was just admiring him dancing and singing to the music as he soon noticed me starring from one of the booths i looked at him and smiled as he blushed and smiled back at me. when it was almost time for the club to close i saw some guy flirting with Gaege as he looked uncomfortable i got up and told the guy to give him some space, the guy pushed me and i punched him as we started to fight eventually security broke up the fight as the club closed early due to the fight. gaege thanked me as we got our own car and drove back to the hotel.

-Hey guys! author here and i just want to apologize again for not uploading i've just been extremely busy and i have now found more time to write! -

-much love,
the author♥️

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