The accident

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Colby pov
I was driving home from work like everyday at 4 not really wanting to go home to my awful girlfriend I was driving home extra slow everytime while I was driving and dreaming I suddenly saw a car coming at us in the wrong direction before I could even react he slammed in the car on the right side of me it was spinning at least 3 times before it rolls down a ditch I drove to the side stopping I don't care that I stop an a Freeway I got out and run to the car down the hill I tried to open the door but it was slammed shut I used all my strength to open it janking it open in there was a small blond boy with blond hair he had a bleeding wund on his head and his leg looked stuck and he had a really large peace of glas from the front window in his stomach I was shocked "hey can hear me"I ask softly"help"was all he whispered I grapped my phone as quickly as I could and called 911"hello yes I'm on interstate 10 6 miles away from Los Angeles and there was a very bad car accident I need someone right now"I said my heart was beating so fast my ears where ringing "yes he is breathing but is injuries are really bad please send someone quick I panicked I looked at the blond boy he was holding his hand out so I took it and kneeled down looking at him he had his eyes slightly opend looking at me with terror" everything will be okay I'm hear and im not leaving okay"I'm so scared"he whispered "don't be be scared you are okay you get to the hospital and you will be okay I said trying to carm him down"I don't wanne die "he said tears drip down his face his voice getting smaller seeing he looses to much blood so I just took my shirt of" this will hurt but I have to okay"I pressed my shirt around the glass to stopp the bleeding he closed his eyes grapping my arm" im scared, im scared "shhhhh everything is okay you will not die just stay with me okay"he nodded what is your name I ask s-sam" that's a pretty name I'm colby"I said i just talked to him to distract him a bit wondering where the hell they are "colby please don't let die please"this made me tear up this poor boy is so scared and my heart is beating out of my chest myself"hey you won't die I don't let you go anywhere" his face got whiter by the sec his eyes closing slowly "hey stay with me please"I say pushing him a bit his eyes opened"I'm so tiered" he mumbled I know I know but you can't sleep now okay how old are you sam I ask 21 he mumbled that's cool I'm 20 I run my fingers over his arm I felt so helpless "colby I think think I'm dieing" he mumbled almost un audible "sam your not dieing you just have to fight a little longer" where the hell are they I was freaking out by this point please take my p-phone and call my parents and tell them I love them please "he whispered pointing to his pent pocket I got it and put it in my pants pressing the shirt down a little harter it was soaked by now that's when I finally heart Sirens" Sammy they are here now, you are okay"I see a tear drip down his face" please stay with me please please Im so scared"im staying sam im right here they help you know I said as I see them rushing to sam I let go of his hand"he is bleeding very bad on his stomach" I told them looking at them.. they nodded taking care of sam get the giant Scissors to get his leg free they said he was bleeding there to I just stood there watching in complete shock that's when my phone got off I looked at it,it was my gf Mallory but I couldn't care less that's when they got him out and on a gurney going up the hill I followed "colby colby where is colby"I hear I looked at them they nodded"I'm right here sam everything is okay"please don't leave me please I'm so scared please he mumbled in a panic I looked at the paramedics pleadingly"okay get in"they called and rolled him in the ambulance wrepping him up as good as possible and injecting him medication I was just holding his hand tightly and run my hand over his head and hair he squeezed my hand before his body got limp and the heart monitor beebed the paramedic immediately started cpr making me cry"no no no" I said loudly" drive faster we have to go quick"he called to the driver 2 min later we where at the hospital they opend the door and rolled him out the paramedic on his body still doing cpr while rushing him in the emergency room i rushed in but a nurse stopped me"I'm sorry but you can't go in there "but I have to I promised to not leave him alone"I cried he looked at me sympathic"I'm sorry the doctors will do anything they can okay" I nodded sobbing at this point"who are you she ask I'm Cole brock I saw the accident and helped him he was so scared and I promised he won't die and I don't leave him" she rubbed my shoulder "do you know his name" no only that his first name is sam but he gave me his phone to contact his parents "can you give that to me please so I call them now" I nodded and gave her his phone it was also full of blood thank you and I also see if we have a shirt for you okay please wait in the waiting room I was sitting down just waiting my heart was still racing and I felt so sick I know I probably shouldn't even feel this way but how can you not if you saw and felt this this poor little boy was so scared and if he dies I can't life with that I promised him he will be okay I will never again forget the poor boys terror in his eyes soon 2 people came storming in the door and to the nurse standing there but I dident put to much mind in to it just want to know he was okay that's when another nurse came and gave me a shirt it was a plain white shirt with the logo of the hospital but I dident care I just put it on " thank you" I mumbled that's when the 2 people walked up to me "are you colby"I looked up yes ma~ma so you where with our son until here yes sir I was and he also told me to tell you he loves you abd if he dosent make it he loves you forever "I said getting a reaction I never thought" don't talk like that he will not die and you can leave now "his mom said in a loud voice" I was just say.... I don't care what you where saying good bye now you are not family please go home "I looked at the nurse with tears in my eyes I nodded and walked to the nice nurse"can I ask you a favor I said through my tears "she looked at me sweetly" could you please give him my number if he wakes up without his parents "colby I don't know I'm technically not alowed" please please I'm begging you I promised him to not just leave him please "I looked at her with teary eyes" okay only bc he wanted this "thank you thank you, you are an Engel I write down my number and my name and gave it to here"could you also tell me if he died I know you not allowed but I saw him crash and I was with him the whole time please I have to know or I will get insane "okay okay I call you personally then but you never tell anyone this" she said in a serious voice "I promise I won't"he nodded I looked back at his parents they where crying his dad looked at me strict so I just walked out feeling so empty and heart broken I called an Uber to bring me to my car at least to the freeway and I walked to it as I get my phone out I see all the texts and calls I ordert an Uber then reading her massage

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