Chapter 1

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Ojiro's POV

My eyes opened slowly to my torn up room, sighing as I got up and walked over to My closet, everything was torn except for one thing, My UA uniform, I put it on and started walking out to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, bandaging any wounds I got the night before, and walking out to see My father.
'Drunk again' I thought as I saw him passed out on the couch, I tried to sneak around the broken glass and the trash, but I slipped on the unpaid electric bill and fell into a bunch of glass shards from the window some neighborhood kids accidentally broke last week, accidentally screaming in pain as the glass sliced and pierced my arms and legs, cutting my uniform up with my skin as i tried to get up, only to look back to see my dad awake and pissed off, and my mom holding a knife. I got up as fast as I could and ran for my life despite how much pain I was in.
Just for my mom to catch me in an alleyway near UA, but I spotted one of my teachers. 'Yes! Mr Mic!' I thought. I had to use all the strength I had left to scream loud enough for Mr Mic to hear me. He was right in front of the alleyway, I had to do it now...
"Mr. Mic! Help!" I screamed as loud as possible as he turned around, but he was too late. The knife my mother held suddenly plunged into my stomach as I gasped and whimpered.
"Get Away From Him!" Present Mic yelled as he knocked out my mother and ran to catch me as I fell.
"No. no. no. hey little listener, I'm gonna get help for you, just stay with me, come on keep your eyes open..." Mr.Mic said with slight tears as he lifted me up quickly and ran into UA and kneeled down and set me on the floor, trying to keep my heart going so I didn't die before help arrived. Everything was blurry and it was hard to keep my eyes open.
"Someone call an ambulance! He's bleeding out!" I heard mr.Aizawa yell as he took over chest compressions. I could tell because of the difference of the hand textures and how hard they were pressing down.
"Ojiro you better not die on me!" I heard Mr.Aizawa yell faintly past the thick ringing in my ears, eventually I could hear sirens, but my eyes became too heavy to keep open.
"Quick, get him on the gurney! get him 15 liters of oxygen, start chest compressions!" was the last thing i heard.

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