Jogos trap house

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Jogos walks to his trap house, knowing that he now has 2 more opps to kill. Mahito runs to Jogo, giving him a hug and putting his fingers into Jogos' volcano hole. Jogo moans loudly, "baby stop it" he says in a girly voice, we can fuck later mahhy. But im horny righttt nowwww mahito says Jogo walks to his room crushing heroin needles each step he takes he then lays in his bed thats filled with needles, pills and lighters.

Mahito then lays right next to him kissing him on his cheek and says "nite nite i luvvv u", Jogo falls asleep before he hears Mahito.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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