Chapter 15

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I cannot stop the flow of tears coming from my eyes as I hold onto Charlotte for dear life. My father was doing business with one of his associates and out of nowhere there were gun shots and he was hit. They don't know who did it or why or if he even was the intended target but gun violence is not a big thing here in England. Someone knew what they were doing but did they know who they did it to?

"I am so sorry, bee" Charlotte rubs my back, holding me steady in her arms, "I have you"

Those three words keep me here for a moment longer before I finally let go of her, long enough for her to take me to the bathroom to clean up my face. After a moment, we walk out together and I am met with my family standing at the door of my father's emergency room. I walk in, leaving Charlotte behind at the door so I can hold on to my father's hand.

"It is going to be alright" I tell him, rubbing his hand, "I promise"

"This just means a decision needs to come soon" My mother notes, coming behind me touch her hand to ours, "Our families need to unite and she needs to make a decision soon"

"This is hardly the time" I shake my head, looking back to see Sun and Charlotte talking to each other, "Right now should be about his recovery, not your plans to control the situation"

"I don't have to control anything" She shakes her head, "Charlotte will make the right decision when the time comes, I can feel it"

This is not the time, but I promise the only thing you smell is defeat. I watch Charlotte and Sun speak and something suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks. I never want to see her with anyone else, including my brother. It is nothing against him, but I cannot imagine her kissing someone else or being with someone else intimately. I know it is selfish of me to think this way, I don't own her. No one does.

"I think we should focus on his recovery" I tell her, looking away from Charlotte and Sun, "It's more important than everything else right now"

I am unsure of what Engfa needs from me right now. A hug? Space? A shoulder to cry on? I watch as she stands with her father lying in bed, his eyes closed and the heart monitor beeping. I am unsure of what to do right now except stand here like I am lost. Her mother walks in next to her and they start speaking in hushed tones. I don't even realize when Sun stands next to me until he clears his throat.

"I hope he recovers. I don't know what we are going to do without him. I know what is expected of me but it's too soon"

"He's not dead" I note, looking over to see him shaking his head, "Don't think like that. He is a fighter, he will fight and be okay"

"You don't know that" he steps toward me, "Your decision is going to have to come soon. If he dies, there will be no one in his place until you decide who should be there"

This shocks me. My decision could effect their whole lives and I never wanted that power but I have it now. I don't think I want it. If I choose Engfa then I give her the family power and she leads as the female head of house but if I choose Sun then he leads his family the traditional way and I will have to be behind him through it all. Do I really want this choice ? It seems unfair to place this all at my feet a few weeks after a conversation at a bar. Could that conversation really have lead me here? What if things were different ? What if I met Sun first and things were different? Would I still be anxious to choose? I don't know him and that makes me nervous. I also am just getting to know Engfa and I know I don't want to break her heart. This is all too much.

"I never asked for that" I shake my head, "I didn't ask for this decision nor the power it comes with."

"You didn't ask but we are here now" he puts his hand on my shoulder, "And your decision could cost one of us everything. If you give my sister the power, you would definitely ruin everything my family has built. No one would respect her"

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