Chapter 1 :)

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It was y/n's 4th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Y/n's house was the house of Godric Gryffindor, house of the lion. When she was walking up the moving staircases, she looked ahead and saw the infamous Draco Malfoy, from house of Salazar Slytherin, the snake. Y/n immediately moved to the side of the staircase and said,

"Good morning Draco!"

Malfoy just eyed her up and down in disgust. He carried on walking down the staircase with his friends. Y/n dashed up to the Gryffindor common room and into her dorm. She knew that Draco liked her back. (cuz we all know y/n is delulu 😋 /j)She desperately wanted to give something to him as a gift of her love.

"I know!"

She thought, pulling out a pen and a patterned-paper. The piece of paper had small hearts on the border, with a small brown teddy bear holding a heart.

"This is perfect!"

So y/n started to write a long letter to Draco, about how much she loved him and how much she admired him. After around an hour, she finished it, folded it, and carefully sealed it into a envelope. Y/n picked up a small bouquet of pink and red flower then taped it to the envelope. She went to bed, with love on her mind.

The next day, y/n woke up with a start. She snatched the envelope from her bedside table and grabbed her History of Magic, Muggle studies, Tranfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts books.

As she walked down the staircases, she noticed Draco again and said to him cheerfully,

"Good Morning Draco!!"

Malfoy, as usual, didn't respond, only looking her up and down with a side eye. She followed him as the Gryffindors and Slytherins had the same DADA (defense against the dark arts) class together. Y/n had decided to give Draco the flowers and note after class ended, so she waited the whole lesson, with all her attention on Draco's dreamy eyes and fluffy hair.

She was staring at Malfoy absent-mindedly the whole lesson, not listening to a word that Professor Moody was saying about boggarts. Y/n's eyes glanced at the clock occasionally, seeing how long it was until the class ended. Finally after what felt like years, the bell chimed and all the student rose from their seats. Y/n quickly picked up her books and walked up to Malfoy.

She tapped him on the shoulder and he whirled around.

"What is it? Oh, it's you."

Y/n handed him the envelope and bouquet, but before he could take then, his friends Crabbe and Goyle snatched them from her hands.


Y/n yelled out, but Crabbe had already opened the envelope and started reading the letter out loud.

"Dear Draco. Hello, it's me, y/n! I just want to say that I really like you and I admire how you are so good at everything. I love the fact that you always pay attention in class and..."

Crabbe and Goyle kept reading until Draco snatched the paper from their hands. He looked at it and, facing away from y/n, tore it in half, his face red with anger.

"You are such an embarassment to my life. Why do you even bother? I hate you y/n. I hate you so much."

When Draco turrned around to see y/n's reaction, he couldn't believe what he saw. She wasn't loud, but tears were streaming down her face. Y/n's eyes glittered like the sun against Malfoy's hair, as she cried.

"Y-You really hate me that much..huh?"

Y/n said quietly, forcing a smile. Draco was shocked at this. He had never seen y/n cry, not ever. She had always been a cheerful, happy person. And yet, even when she was crying, she tried to look happy for him. Y/n dashed out of the room with tears streaming down her face, Malfoy just staring after her. A twinge of guilt pinched Malfoy's heart as he saw her crouching in a dark corner, sobbing her heart out.

The next few weeks y/n hadn't been attending classes. She was in her dorm, sending letters to her mother, begging for help. Today she had recieved a letter from her mom, saying,

"Dear y/n. I hope you realize that this boy has been dragging your life down, damaging your mental health. I think the best option is to let him go and move on."

Y/n read her mothers words over and over, thinking about what to do. In the end, she thought that her mothers decisions were right. She decided to go back to her classes tomorrow. Y/n started to prepare all her books she needed for tomrrow, then went to bed. The next day, she woke up bright and early. Y/n grabbed her books and headed off for class.

When she walked down the staircases, she saw Draco, but thought nothing of it. She just walked straight past him, as if he didn't exist. Draco, on the other hand, was expecting a 'Good morning Draco!!' From y/n. It seemed that he had gotten so used to her saying that each morning that he would absent-mindedly side eye her in disgust. But this time y/n just skipped down the stairs and ignored Malfoy.

He felt a punch of sadness in his gut, watching her hair blowing in the breeze behind her. They had DADA class together again, and Y/n was sitting right in front of Draco. He wrote swiftly on a peice of paper and passed it to her.

"Are you okay? "

The paper said. A second later the paper was passed back to him without a look.

"I'm perfectly fine."

Those three words hurt Draco even more. There weren't hearts at the end of the sentence like she used to put, and the words looked as if there were no emotion put into them. Now Draco desperately wanted her attention. He scribbled on the paper again, adding a little heart in the corner, then passed it to y/n.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything. ♡"

Another second later the paper was tossed back at him.

"Could you please leave me alone? I'm trying to listen."



hello everyone!! As you can see this is a draco x female reader story (duh 🙄)

apart from demon slayer i also very love the harry potter series!!

anyways hope yall like it <33 

word count: 1044

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