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Creating the evidence board was a meticulous and emotional process. It was a way to structure the chaos of information and clues surrounding Jordan's murder, to transform the fragments of our investigation into a coherent narrative. The board itself was a large corkboard, with photographs, maps, notes, and strings connecting various elements.

I began the process by printing out crime scene photographs. Each image felt like a stab to the heart as I relived the grim reality of that night. I carefully pinned them to the board, taking a moment to examine every detail—the position of the furniture, any signs of struggle, and the eerie silence that seemed to linger in the room.

The map of the neighborhood followed. It displayed key locations, including our house, Jordan's house, the grocery store, and the homes of potential witnesses or suspects. As I marked these places with colored pins, I couldn't help but think about the lives and stories hidden behind each one.

Next was the timeline of events. I wrote down the dates, times, and activities that had led to that fateful night. It was a painful reminder of how we had reached this point, and I wished, with all my heart, that I could have altered the course of events.

The suspect profiles section was difficult to create. I had collected photographs and information about individuals who had come under our scrutiny, but I had to remain detached and analytical. It was essential to see them as potential leads, not people.

Witness statements were a crucial part of our investigation and transcribing them was painstaking. Each statement brought us closer to understanding the events leading up to Jordan's murder, but it also revealed the fear and shock experienced by those who had been at the scene.

Physical evidence was another heartbreaking section. Items of clothing, what we believe was the murder weapon, autopsy report and trace evidence were cataloged, but each piece seemed to hold a piece of Jordan's life. They were the remnants of a happier time, and I wished we could turn back the clock.

One of the most enigmatic sections was the still images from Mom's security cameras. They showed Jason Cosgrove lurking near our home. I connected these images with red strings, trying to make sense of who had asked Jason to check out the house and what was their role was in Jordan's death.

As I added more red strings, my fingers trembling, I couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility. Each string represented a connection, a possibility, a chance to find answers. It was a reminder that the truth about Jordan's murder was waiting to be uncovered, and it was up to us to piece it together.

Creating the evidence board was a bittersweet process, a journey through pain, grief, and determination. It reflected our unwavering commitment to finding justice for Jordan and, perhaps, a glimpse of closure for ourselves.

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