First Day

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Today is the day. Freakkk, it's my first day of work. I never thought there would be a day when I would be excited for work. Well, I doubt this excitement is only for a few days though.

I got up from my bed and went towards my washroom. Great!  The door is locked. Who the fuck?


"Get the fuck out of here you bastard!! " Sometimes I just forget this bitch is also staying with me.

"I can't come right now,  just entered the shower" I will fucking kill him.


"You will come in? Aren't you getting quite bold princess?" I took a deep sigh and started to knock like a crazy bitch at the door. It's been a while since I have been angry.

"You crazy woman, wait I am coming" I didn't stop knocking and within minutes he came out, and God, the view.

Be holy,  Lu.

"Now stop eye-fucking me and go" Never mind. What a waste of good face and body.

I gave him the middle finger and entered the bathroom. I did the rituals and now was the most difficult part, choosing clothes. Fuck,  I have nothing to wear.

After searching for almost 20 minutes,  I finally decided what to wear and now I was ready to slay.

After searching for almost 20 minutes,  I finally decided what to wear and now I was ready to slay

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As I came outside my room, I saw Declan making breakfast. Something just happened to my heart seeing him make me breakfast. It was almost like he was my husband.

God! I blushed at the thought.
"having wet dreams even in the morning love? Quite inappropriate if you ask me" yeps, his mouth makes me want to poison him.

"I am not horny like you. But thanks for the breakfast though" I sat at the table as he gave me my plate.

It was looking actually delicious.

"So, you excited?" I looked up at him as he was cutting his sandwich. These days my stomach goes crazy even having a glimpse of him. I need help.

"ah, yes offcourse. It's my first official job and that too in such a huge company." I will never understand how I actually got the job in such a prestige company. God just helping me everywhere.

While doing our breakfast we just talked a quite  bit more and then I left for work.


"Hi, I just got appointed in this company may I know where do I have to go?" The receptionist looked at me and smiled.

"sure, your name?"

"It's Luna" she entered my name in her laptop and called someone. Within seconds, a man came to her desk, and let's say he was decent-looking.

'Lu you are not here to stare and rate boys' My subconscious scolded me.

"Hi, the name is Mark. Come with me I will show you the place." I smiled at him and followed him. The only time I will ever follow a man.

We reached the 5th floor and then he led me to a huge and a lavish floor. It had small cabins on each side of the corner.

"Hello people, this is Luna and she just joined today." He introduced me to the people sitting there. I was actually getting the deja vu to middle school.

Fortunately, they all were kind and welcomed me with a smile. I sat at my desk as per instructed my Mark and surprisingly understood my work fast too.

"Hey, Luna right?" I looked beside me and it was a woman,  a gorgeous woman. She had black hair and deep shiny black eyes with an olive complexion. Let's just say I haven't seen a woman this pretty.

Shit, stop simping Luna.

"Yes and you are?" I smiled, looking at her.

"It's Elora, Elora Carlice"  Elora?  Where have I heard this name. Wait, is she 'the Ian and Flora Carlices' Daughter?

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