Chapter 1

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"Crap, how did I get here?" Naruto half-shouted. "No, no, NO, NO! I can't fail; everyone is counting on me!" Naruto examined his surroundings and realized he was back in his old apartment from 16 years ago. The room was dimly lit, and the dusty memories of his past filled the air. Naruto grabbed his former clothes, their pure orange standing out in the gloom.

Leaping across the village with his limited amount of chakra, he arrived at the Hokage compound and immediately went in. Nobody dared to stop him, for they were all afraid of him, or they knew that they couldn't do anything to Naruto due to the certain power he held.

"Fuck, fuck! I can't be under the Tsukoyomi!" Naruto was panicking, unaware that the Sharingan he had inherited from Sasuke suddenly activated with three tomoe. The room seemed to distort around him, casting an eerie crimson hue over everything. It felt as if time and space were folding in on themselves

Suddenly he regained consciousness for just a momentum to wall to Hiruzen's office, Naruto burst through the door surprised by the old hokage. "Naruto what are you doing here? Hiruzen asked shocked, and Naruto without hesitation grabbed the 3rd Hokage's Collar and pulled it believing this to be all a fake Genjutsu known as the infinite Tsukoyomi, Grabbing the 3rd Hokage the collar,

"Naruto, please, calm down!" Hiruzen pleaded even though he was more than capable of fighting and possibly killing Naruto. but as his guardian entrusted by the 4th Hokage, he did not only care about Naruto it was as if he was his son, Hiruzen's voice trembling with urgency. The darkness that surrounded them seemed to close in as tension hung heavily in the air. Naruto's eyes darted around, scanning the eerie surroundings, his heart pounding in his chest.

It slowly began to dawn on Naruto that this was not a genjutsu; this was all too real. Overwhelmed by a tumultuous mix of emotions-fear, anger, and despair-Naruto collapsed onto the floor. His chakra was drained, and his mind was shattered.

As Naruto regained consciousness, he found himself in an even more ominous place. He was now within the heart of Konohagakure's Intelligence Division, more specifically, the dreaded Konoha Torture and Intelligence Division. The room was bathed in a dim, sickly light, casting eerie shadows on the damp, cold walls.

"Calm down, brat," Ibiki Morino's gravelly voice broke the silence, sending shivers down Naruto's spine. "According to our records, you attempted violence against Konoha's Hokage." Ibiki paused for a moment, the weight of his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog.

"You do realize," he continued, his tone laced with menace, "that such an act could earn you a death sentence?" Naruto, who had just woken up, felt a dizzying sensation as his eyes struggled to focus on the disorienting gloom that surrounded him.

Naruto's heart raced as he struggled to maintain focus. Suddenly, he found himself transported to a dimly lit interrogation room. The harsh, unforgiving overhead light cast deep shadows on his face, giving an eerie atmosphere to the room. Inoichi Yamanaka, known for his formidable mental abilities, stood across from Naruto, his piercing gaze fixed on the young ninja.

"I'm inside the mindscape, Transmission successful," Yamanaka reported, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. The room was filled with a tension that seemed almost palpable. Naruto's mind was exposed, and he had no way to resist the intrusion.

"Copy, can you send one of the chakra signatures?" one of the staff members in the room asked, their voice filled with anticipation. They had successfully detained Naruto with minimal resistance from the Kyuubi or Naruto himself. Everything appeared to be going as planned.

However, what they encountered inside Naruto's mind was unlike anything they had ever seen. Instead of the typical mindscape of a seven-year-old, they found themselves in a sprawling, labyrinthine sewer system. It was a gloomy and eerie place, shrouded in darkness, with murky waters running through intricate tunnels.

The Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, the very core of the security they had expected to find, was far more elaborate and complex than any shinobi could have imagined. Each seal was meticulously placed, intertwined with others, creating a web of intricacy that made their task seem almost insurmountable. The feeling of foreboding grew as they realized that Naruto's mind was a place of deeper complexity and hidden secrets than they could have ever anticipated.

Instead of the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style that Minato sealed Naruto there was another Sealing Jutsu they thought they would never see again. The Adamantine Sealing Chains Usually they would be used by the women of the Uzumaki Clan, but this is a special occasion with Naruto, as sometimes the Love of a mother is the strongest of all jutsu and in Naruto's case Kushina his mother had a part of herself sealed inside of The Nine Tails, With that said the soul of Kushina moves on protecting Naruto even in death allowing Kushina to have a little bit of control in Naruto's Mindscape.

In the depths of Naruto's complex and enigmatic mindscape, the unexpected revelation sent shockwaves through the assembled team of shinobi. Instead of the commonly known Eight Trigrams Sealing Style that Minato Namikaze had used to seal the Nine-Tails into Naruto, they encountered another ancient and nearly forgotten sealing jutsu - the Adamantine Sealing Chains. These chains, typically employed by the Uzumaki Clan's women, had an aura of mystique and incredible power surrounding them. The mere sight of these chains conjured vivid memories of a bygone era when they were used for sealing rituals and inscribing powerful wards.

As the team gazed upon the intricate patterns of the Adamantine Sealing Chains, one of the shinobi, a seasoned expert in sealing techniques, couldn't contain his amazement. "I can't believe it," he muttered, awe-struck. "These chains haven't been seen in generations. Their complexity and power are beyond anything we've encountered."

Inoichi Yamanaka, the master of mental jutsu, nodded in agreement. "It's as if Naruto's very existence has reawakened ancient arts and hidden mysteries that have been buried in history. This is unprecedented."

The leader of the team, a jounin with a deep understanding of chakra theory, chimed in. "The science behind this is remarkable. Kushina's soul, merged with the Nine-Tails' chakra, has created a unique fusion of spiritual and physical energy. It's a phenomenon that challenges the boundaries of our understanding of chakra and sealing arts."

Suddenly a monkey summoner called to order Naruto into his office

Note: Hey guys the writer here!, and im asking you to create the relationships early on so my schedule wont be delayed will it be YAOI or Non-YAOI i will post the decisions and you can also ask for custom relatshionship tho it will probably focus more on Naruto but i will make filler chapters!



Naruto X Sasuke

Kakashi x Iruka

Naruto x Shikamaru

Naruto x Gaara


Naruto x Hinata

Naruto x Temari

Naruto x Sakura

Naruto x Fem Sasuke

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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