IX. Myah - The Last Leviathan

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Author's Note: Myah is magnificent, but she is spoken for. She is a single-ship with Lily Barnes(Eldritch_Princess). 

Full Name: Myah Redhart

Aliases, Nicknames, & Titles: The Last Leviathan

Species: Hybrid of an ocean goddess and a leviathan

Age: Appears to be in her early 30s

Appearance(human form only):

Height: Approximately 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall

Build: Slim and petite with an athletic and toned physique

Hair: Dark brown hair, often styled in long, wavy or straight locks

Eyes: Striking green eyes, one of her most distinctive features

Facial Features: Charming and symmetrical face with well-defined cheekbones, a slender nose, and full lips

Scars: Myah bears a few faint, nearly invisible scars on her arms and back, remnants of her escape from captivity


Crustacean Manipulation: Myah can influence and control various crustaceans, such as crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. She can communicate with them, directing them to perform specific tasks or defend her if needed. Additionally, she can manipulate their movements, making them move in ways that suit her needs. This power benefits underwater navigation and gathering resources from the ocean floor.

Ichthyoid Manipulation: Myah's control over ichthyoids, which include all forms of fish, allows her to create vast schools of fish or control the movements of individual fish. This power is handy for various purposes, from aiding in fishing to creating intricate underwater displays. She can also use it to influence the behaviors of predators or prey in aquatic ecosystems.

Water Manipulation: Myah can control and manipulate water at a fundamental level. She can shape water into various forms, such as barriers, weapons, or intricate water sculptures. Her control over water extends to its temperature and density, allowing her to freeze it or turn it into a powerful force to protect herself or attack adversaries.

Weather Manipulation: Myah can influence and control weather patterns related to the sea, such as creating storms, controlling wind and rain, or even summoning lightning. Her control over the elements allows her to defend against threats and create favorable conditions for various situations.

Supernatural Strength: Myah possesses exceptional physical strength, surpassing the capabilities of a regular human. She can effortlessly lift heavy objects and engage in hand-to-hand combat with supernatural foes. This strength is vital for protecting her family and those she cares about.

Supernatural Speed: Myah's unnatural speed allows her to move incredibly quickly, making her difficult to catch and a formidable opponent. This power enhances her agility and helps her evade danger or quickly reach locations when needed.

Tidal Wave Generation: Myah can summon and control tidal waves, massive water surges that can devastate coastal areas. She uses this power defensively, creating water barriers to protect herself and others or as an offensive ability to repel adversaries.

Whirlpool Generation: Myah can create powerful underwater whirlpools that trap or disorient her opponents. These whirlpools are often used as a defense, enabling her to escape or buy time during confrontations.

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