Chapter 11

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"Ace, what time is it?"

He pulls his phone out and shows you, his screen reading 4:47

"Shit, i was supposed to pick up Everest over an hour ago"

You jump up heading for the door not waiting to see if Ace is behind you, footsteps behind tell you he is, you stop abruptly

"It takes 20 minutes to get from here to the school parking lot and about 10 to get to the school, I don't have my car"

Ace grabs your hand, pulling you along with him

"We brought my car, i'm driving, lets go"

You both run like your life depends on it, by doing so you trip over, your foot hitting a root that's sticking out the ground more than it should be, you hit the floor with a loud thud, causing Ace to stop running, without saying a word he walks to you, picking you up so your on his back with your arms wrapped around his neck, he continues running, you make it to his car with 5 minutes to spare, he places you in the passenger seat before hopping into the drivers side and racing out of the school grounds

"We'll make it Harley, don't worry"

"Ace, if i'm late one more time they'll take him away, Kathy thinks i live with my parents she doesnt know its just me and Everest"

You look at her with empathetic eyes ''It's okay Harley, we'll make it, you won't lose Everest I won't let that happen, okay?" you smile at her in an attempt to reassure her

"I hope you're right, I really do" as she says that you pull into the parking lot and Harley jumps out of the car and races to the school, you lock the car and follow behind, she buzzes the gate to get into the school grounds, the panic evident on her face.

The gate opens and harley bounds up the steps into the reception area, you see a little head poking up over the seats they have situated in the waiting area of the reception and as soon as he notices you, you watch as Everest jumps up and runs into Harley's arms, hugging her and holding her tightly, Harley returns the hug, just as tight. 

"Miss Granger, this is a repeat occurrence, if your parents were not able to collect him on time we should have been informed"

"I know Kathy, I know and we are so sorry, they had to work late and haven't been able to answer their phones or call anyone to inform them and I had a few medical appointments myself that couldn't be missed and I just got out, I apologise Kathy, I promise this won't ever happened again"

"Oh miss Granger, I assure you I know it will not" as she says this you notice that two men have been stood nearby watching the encounter with intense stares "I'm sorry Miss Granger, I truly am but it was in Everest's best interest that I informed the social that he is being taken care of by a high schooler and that your parents are not in the picture"

*Harleys POV*

As her words sink in I can feel my heart shatter and my soul leave my body "No, Kathy you've got it all wrong, my parents just work a lot, they're the ones taking care of Everest not me, I just help out" you try to reason with Kathy, plead your case in the hopes she'll realise she's mistaken and not get the social involved but your hopes are crushed when two men approach you and tell you they will be taking Everest into their custody until they can get a hold of your parents

You feel the tears burning your eyes, threatening to fall but you can't let Everest see you cry or it'll make things worse for him.

"No Harley, don't let them take me please, I'll be good, I'm sorry I was bad, I'll be good, I promise, Harley please!" Everest shouts at you as he's pulled away as he gets put into a car, still crying and calling out for you, you watch the car pull away and the tears start to fall, Ace comes over and wraps you in hi arms refusing to let go

"We'll get him back Harley, I promise"

"How the fuck can you promise that, you promised he wouldn't get taken in the first place and look what's happened, just leave me alone"

And with that you walked out of the school's property and walked away to your house, ignoring Ace's calls of protest, you reached your house and laid on your bed, tears making your face and eyes red and puffy, mascara running down your face.

Your phone kept ringing but you ignored it, you didn't care anymore, Everest was gone and you didn't care about anything else.

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