Chapter 14

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*Ace's POV*

"I don't know what to do, she won't talk to me or answer any of my calls or texts" you say to your friend over the phone, you listen to his reply and sigh heavily

"I can't just leave her only man, I like this girl, i know she's deemed as weird or whatever but i really do like her and it's my fault she's in this mess"

It has been three weeks since you last spoke to Harley, since you watched the strongest, bravest girl you know break right in front of you as she witnessed her brother, her reason for life being taken away from her and you know inside yourself that it was your fault

Suddenly your phone rings indicating a new call, you can't believe it when you see the caller ID, you hang up on your friend without another word and answer the call

"Hello" you say but stop as soon as you hear the conversation that's being had on the other line, you can't hear it clearly but enough to know what's being said and what's going on

"I'm sorry, i'm rather busy at the moment and don't have the time to talk" you hear Harley say, the first thing you've heard from her in three weeks and you know it's an outright lie to get herself out of an unwanted or unneeded situation

'Come Harley give more details, i'll be in a minute as soon as you say the words' you think to yourself, already having had put your shoes and coat on, stood by the front door with keys in hand 'Come on Harls'

"No i actually have plans, to meet someone, he said he'd be here soon, he just need to get ready and you know how traffic can be here sometimes"

As soon as you heard that you were out the door, shoving the key into the ignition and pressing your foot down, urging your car to go faster, you don't dare hang up the phone, knowing if she needed you, you'd be there in a second.

The realisation hit that even though she didn't want anything to do with you and you knew she had another friend it was still you she called in this moment when she needed someone.

"No, no he will be here any minute and i really must finish getting ready" you hear her say just as you turn the corner into the drive, you hang up and knows she's put the phone back in her pocket

You watch as the relief shows on her face as she sees you walking up to her door "Hey Harley, I'm so sorry i'm late, the traffic is horrendous today" you turn around as though just seeing the other people in suits on the doorstep "Oh hello there, so sorry to intrude but Harley here and i have plans and i'm afraid she is not allowed to cancel on me again" you chuckle slightly to show your joking, and go to shake the woman's hand "I'm Ace Malfoy, it's nice to meet you"

"Miss Granger, we will need to speak with you soon young lady, you can not put this off like you did with your brother" at that comment the suited people leave and you grab Harley pulling her inside to stop her killing the woman

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