Yandere alphabet❤️🔪

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I might not post much bc idk what to write at the moment but I'll try.

Affection-how does he show affection does he get cuddly? .

Player would be a cuddly And he would give you gifts like books games etc after all vile can pay for it and he would blackmail people who's the rude to you or bully you                                                                                                              

Blood-is he willing to murder someone and is he willing to get messy?

He isn't willing to murder someone but he will hack to find out their deepest secrets and blackmail them to leave you alone only if they were bullying you or making fun of you he knows better then to not let you have any firiends

Commitment-how committed is he to you will he ever leave or cheat on you 

Player is very committed to you and he would ever leave you he isn't like he's dad after all and he won't ever ever cheat on you 

Dating-how is he like to date is he a good boyfriend?

Player is a great boyfriend he talks to you whenever he can talk to you either it's texting or in person or on call-voice time he takes you to cafes arcades etc

Exposing-is he gonna be noticeable that he is a yandere.

 Player isn't obvious to when it comes to being a yandere but you would notice how he gets you gifts you wanted that you hadn't told him about but he acts like someone else told him or he was told by someone else

Friendship-how is the friendship gonna start like how long till he starts liking you?

Player is not gonna talk much at the start since of vile capers but after a few months he will start likes you a bit to much  

Glance-is he gonna look at you a lot when he's with you or is he gonna be looking away from you?

Player is gonna look at you a lot but mostly from your phone camera and he's gonna be looking at you in person when Your around him but not much since he doesn't want you to think he's weird or a stalker.which he isn't right? At least that what he thinks

Hope-is he gonna be forceful when it comes to dating you or is he gonna ask?

Player is gonna be very nervous about dating you and not forceful at all he wants to make sure your happy so he's gonna hack to find out what you like and what you dislike so you would like him more

Ideal-is he the ideal boyfriend how much

Player isn't exactly the ideal boyfriend unless you like yanderes,he is gonna try his best as I said before.

Jealously-does he get jealous easily how is he when he's jealous?

Player doesn't get jealous necessary easily but if someone has a crush on you and talks to you a lot he will get jealous easily because he's worried you will fall in love with them too so he'll just hack to blackmail them to stop talking to you 

Kindness-is he kind to you and others is he rude to you?

Player isn't rude to you at all he does he's best to make you happy and not sad even for a second and he's nice to others as long as they aren't rude to you or bully you 

Love-how does he show his love to you 

Player shows he's love to you by giving you gifts playing games with you and buying you stuff in games vile can pay for it 

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