Headcanons 2❤️

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I don't feel like working on the other oneshots I'm working on and I had some ideas so I made this bc why not and it's my fanfic book 

His ringtone of your contact on his phone is sweet psycho/ any love song 

buys two fidget spinners one for you one for him but he caught you playing with his and he lets you play with it when you with him

Made a hacker playlist on YouTube for you and him to Listen together 

He learned a few things from Carmen so he knows how to lock pick locks and sneaks in your room to 'borrow' your hoodies/shirts 

Loves to rest his head on your shoulder and you falling asleep on his shoulder which he thinks it's so cute when you're sleeping!

If you fall asleep when you are hanging out together he will lay his jacket on you as a blanket if you didn't have one with you at the moment 

Loves to tease you and make you blush with his unexpected kisses on Your forehead and lips , your face basically 

He likes to kiss your hand while winking at you smirking 

When he opens a door for you he 85% of the time says "here you go my royalty/prince/princess" 

His nicknames for you are: my lover ,  my hacker , anime nerd 

Some nicks names for him can be : gamer boy ,  hacker ,  quiet kid  ,  nerd  ,

I'm back with more headcanons bc I didn't feel like making another chapter .

Player loves to Listern to music with you and if you play a instrument he likes to Listern to you play 

Player parents are away at work most of the time so when your over at his house most of the time it's just you and him

Player gives you stickers of your favorite shows/movies as gifts 

He likes it when you play with his hair it makes him feel safe and happier 

If your sad or crying he would wrap his jacket around your shoulder and hug you while comforting you 

Player loves horror movies his favorite is countdown 

Player listens to true crime shows 

Talks about you to team red a lot while blushing lightly 

He brought another hoodie like his for you to wear it

when player turned 18 he moved to a house near team red HQ and he made sure it was in perfect shape no rat infection no anything that would risk you getting sick 

If you would after to get hurt or get sent to a hospital he would get money from vile to pay for all of it and visit you anytime he can and hugs you when he's there 

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