Chapter 5; Things to Fuss Over

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We made our sweep pretty quick, with a relatively large haul, a few rabbits, several crows, and a doe, which took all my stretch to carry back. We dragged our heavy kill up Maplewood's bark walls and to the main hollow before Ida and Alfanza, who seemed pleased enough with our work. By the time we were back, it was already sunset, I could tell even with the heavy overcast of snow filled clouds, the clock inside me just knew. As did Xander as we sat at the opening of the hollow to view the pretty scenery. I knew I had to get back to Hansen.

I didn't want to.

"So," I began as Xander seemed to flinch back into reality after zoning out for a while. He did that quite often, I did it too so I never minded. "What are you thinking for names?"

"Names? Oh, names, I'm not sure yet, really, I haven't thought about it at all." he bit his tongue before folding his hands and meeting my eyes. "I haven't really thought if it's going to be a boy or a girl yet." he scoffed. I wasn't sure if his ears had gone red out of embarrassment or the cold. "Well, what do you want it to be?"

"What do I want? I don't care, it's not about what I want, it's about whatever Quincy pops out, you know? I'm thrilled to have a fledge either way, if anything, I should be excited."

"Are you not?" I teased as he went back to staring blankly ahead. "I- I'm mostly just scared, I don't know why..."

"Xander-" he was cut off by a deep voice from just a little ways away, behind us in the hollow. We both turned to see who it was, standing immediately at his attention as if we were on guard duty. I felt my breath cut short when I acknowledged his face.

Doctor Colton Porter, I'd met him a few many times throughout my youth. He'd been the chair doctor for a long time, and he was really damn good at his job. On top of all that, his reputation was clean, unlike most doctors nowadays, where they take whatever they please. Colton was sympathetic, he knew pain as if it was an old friend, and he knew how to make it leave.

He was sharp, and was friendly with the elders, earning his place so high up in the main canopy. He deserved it, different from most other landers, he earned everything he was worth. I was quite fond of Colton, he was a good man with good intentions, but the way he approached Xander made my wings prickle.

Standing tall, he had to be at least six feet, making him naturally one of the tallest in all the province. Xander stood only a little below his height, but he still had to tilt his head up to meet his eyes, which made him seem just the slightest bit intimidating for his usually welcoming nature. He had this stern expression on his cold face when he spoke softly. "-Mr. Gilleus," he said, correcting himself. It made my skin crawl.

"Doctor Porter," Xander looked down at his chest before slipping his cold hands in his pockets. "What is it you need from me?" he finally looked up to meet his dark face. "May I have a word with you, just you," his dark brown eyes brushed over to me politely as I bit my tongue and started to turn. "Yeah sure, I'll-" I began but Xander extended a wing to stop me. "No, really, it's alright. Whatever news you have for me, he can hear."

"Well, I suppose if that's alright," Colton began hesitantly, almost uncomfortable as I felt hot just standing here, still as Xander moved to stand by my side. He sounded almost unsure of himself as he began to speak. "There's news from some of the Northern colonies, I thought you should know first, Mr. Gilleus, being a captain and all," he quit fidgeting his hands and folded them in front of himself. "There's this- disease going around, spreading rapidly, but it only seems to affect- your race..." he trailed, sternly meeting Xander's eyes as they narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, flates, shapeshifters, and hybrids in between, it's this sort of trigger for blood lust and such, scarily similar to rabies, if you know," he said as Xander nodded. "Yeah, I know what rabies is." he looked uncomfortable. I stood quietly, I should've gone.

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