1: Banter❤️‍🔥

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{songs: i can see you, gorgeous, venom}

I walk into the event that my sister somehow got invited to honestly this all feels like a dream I mean ok maybe my sisters famous and most people know who we are but I don't feel famous, I don't really know if I like it too much.

We walk in and i can feel everyone's eyes on me, the anxiety starts to kick in im starting to fidget with the fabric of my (whatever color looks best on you) dress I felt like I was being held down by the anxiety, I then realize my sister is trying to talk to me.

"Huh?" I say shaking my head and looking at my sister.

"Y/n we need to find our seats" my sister says as she grabs my arm pulling me to sit down. The event starts which feels like a dream so many k-pop icons, my sister is part of one of them, I never have been as graceful or beautiful as she is or at least i always feel that way.

They begin to call up the artists that have won awards i look over to my left to another table it was a group of guys about 8 of them, they all look attractive but one caught my eye in particular i made eye contact with him then looked away focusing on the rest of the event, my sister told me about an after party that will be held for the celebrities exclusively.

We walk into the after party the night seemed to have gone by so quickly everything felt like it was going by a thousand miles a minute, i feel like the event flashed before my eyes. I was fiddling with anything I had in my hand I felt so overstimulated and overwhelmed, I made eye contact with the guy again it felt like it was only me and him in the room my anxiety left my body, I look away when I hear my name from my sister.

"Y/N, I've been calling your name! Are you ok you seem on edge" she says concerned.

"N-no im fine you can go hang out with your members, I'll be fine alone."

"Are you sure?"

*No* " im perfectly fine it's ok go have fun" I say with a fake smile on my face.


❤️Hyunjin's POV❤️

"Who's that?~" Han says smirking.

"What? Who's who?" I say acting like I wasn't starring at anyone

"Oh~ Hyunjin your lying~" - Felix says running into my arm with his.

Instead of answering i took a shot and looked away from them, suddenly in the corner of my eye i catch you all alone..... in that stunning dress...... god I cant help but stare.

"Hyunjin.... You better make a move before that guy does" Chan says pointing to a guy that also happens to be staring.....

I immediately get up and walk towards her all nerves leaving me.



Shoot no no no, he's walking up to me i repeat he is walking up to me i cant do this, yes i can, no I can't don't be stupid just act like a normal person, what even is a normal person, why am I freaking out, maybe if I look away he'll go somewhere else, he's probably not even walking up to me, every other girl here is dressed they're best I cannot be the best in his eyes because that's not possible im not that attractive well at least compared to him-

"Im Hwang Hyunjin, you seem lonely mind if I hang out with you?" He says with a smile.


My thoughts are interrupted by his face getting closer to mine his mouth moves towards my ear...

"That's not what your eyes are telling me~" he says his breath sending chills down my spine.

"I- um.." I say freezing i couldn't think.

"Heh, i like your reactions~" he says seductively in a low voice.

Something in me clicked as a smile spreads across my face.

"Hm... rather...playful aren't you" i say looking into his eyes.

"Maybe I am....~" he says as he gently lifts my chin, lightly brushing his lips on mine not quite kissing.... Yet...

What am I doing..... I just met him, he doesn't even know my name doesn't know a single thing about my life..... then again maybe that's the best part~

Our lips connect i felt out of control at this point to me there was no one else in this huge room, I had thought before that his lips looked extremely kissable, we brake apart.

".....I was right" I say looking at him with a smirk.

"About?" He questions.

"You are a good kisser" i say in a low whisper.

"Than why did we stop~" he says as he grabs my waist and presses me close to him.


"WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING" my sister storms into my room.

"ITS 7AM, and what are you talking about?" i say sitting up in my bed rubbing my eyes.

She shows me her phone which shows a picture of Hyunjin up against a wall with me.

"Ok I have an explanation, I had no control over this situation, plus it probably wont happen again I never told him my name" i say plopping back onto my bed.

"Yah right since when do you ever make-out with ANYONE" she says not believing a single word i say.

"It was a one time thing seriously nothing serious" I say almost falling asleep again.

"We will continue this conversation later" she says as she leaves our shared apartment.

Hm.....I wonder......no y/n don't I shouldn't though....... No one would know......

I open my phone and go to TikTok..

I search..... "hyunjin thirst traps" I mean can you really blame me he's so hot.

I still felt his lips on mine..... why did i feel like I needed that feeling again, i should find him....

End chapter 1

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