chapter 3

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Tim didn't know what to do. He didn't want to take advantage of lucy and her weekened state so he moved his head back, lucy was confused because wasn't he just confessing he had feelings for her, they was so close to kissing and he just what, moves away from her, lucy let's out and sigh and slumps back into her seat saying "okayy, I'm um im sorry tim" tim grabbed her hand and said "no, no lucy its not like that or anything its just, I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you or anything, and I have a feeling if I kiss you, it make make the impression I want more, and I know- sorry I don't actually know if you'd want that or if your healed, lucy I just want you to be ready and I don't want you to think you have to do anything"

Lucy smiled and turned to him "tim I, I want to kiss you but hey if your not down for a kiss then nevermind" tim began to say "no lucy i want to kiss you I just wanted to make it clear that ill only kiss you and nothing more unless you want it, I don't want to hurt you down there of hurt you at all and I just needed you to know that" lucy nodded and said "well thankyou but for your information, I went to a dr and down there is healed perfectly, and I'm sure if I didnt want to kiss you my lips wouldn't be right next to yours" tim moved in his seat not knowing what to do with the information she had just told him and he said "ohh urm that-thats good to know lucy" lucy giggled to herself as tim clearly didn't understand what she meant, tim had and electric feeling buzzing around his stomach and he said "so urm are you gonna kiss me or not" with a cheeky grin on his face, lucy moved in her seat and got so close to kissing tim when she felt the gear stick hit her in the stomach, lucy let out a loud "ouch" tim giggled a bit before saying "urm yeah sorry about that its not the most spacious in here" lucy recovered quickly and said "well its nice and spacious in the back" tim smiles and says "lucyyy, I don't know what your meaning by that" lucy began to open her door before saying "god tim im saying I'm going to fuck you in the back, I'm simply saying maybe so none of us get hurt its best is we kiss where we have more space" tim nodded knowing he was being stupid before and they both got in the back...

They sat in the back silent for a minute before lucy said "right let's get the first awkward kiss out of the way and they we won't find it as weird and won't be sat in silence" tim agreed and moved in to grab her face he went in to kiss her and she started laughing, tim was being all serious and she was laughing tim said "seriously lucy stop laughing, it was you that brought up the idea if you can't do it then let's go" lucy began to laugh even more saying "haha god tim I can't haha this is too funny haha" tim let out a grunt and moved closer to her, lucy was still laughing and her body made her lay down because of all the laughing, tim pulled her up and met her face, her laughs had died down now and she was silently just staring at him, tim moved in and kissed her softs lips gently at first until lucy parted her lips allowing his tounge access tim and lucy was fighting for dominants until they broke off for air and lucy pushed him back by his shoulders, causing him to lay flat until lucy moved ontop of him straddling his hips, lucy bent down and staring kissing him again as tims hands moved from her head to her back to her lower back holding her in place, until lucy grabbed his hands and moved them to her ass, tim wasn't sure on what was happening but he was sure he didn't care, because it was all happening with lucy, they broke for air again but tim sat up with lucy on his lap, she quickly adjusted to the new position and snaked her arms around his neck, she kissed him again, the next time they broke for air tim took it as his chance to kiss along her jawline and down her neck, kissing her collar bone and going back to her neck, lucy loved feeling and she let out a small moan in tims ear, this sent a reaction to his dick as he got so hard, lucy could feel him and it made her pussy wet, she grinded her hips on his dick, while he kept kissing her neck, then he found her sensitive spot and started sucking on it lucy didn't know what else to do beside moan more into his ear, lucy pulled on his hair which brought him back up to her lips and she started lifting up his top, he whispered in her ear "lucy what are you doing, I though you said you wasn't fucking me" lucy smiled and ripped his top over his head and said "im not fucking you, but I can atleast help you out abit, I can feel you through our cloths and I just want to help you out, but hey of you don't want it" she moved her hands and began to shuffle off him, knowing she would get his attention...

Tim grabbed her wrist and pulled her in, before saying "don't leave, and you- you pretty little thing you can do anything you want" lucy didn't even wait for all the words to leave his mouth before, kissing down his chest and unbuckling his belt, she then pulled down his trousers letting him shimmy them off, then she taunted him by pulling at the waist band of his boxers and slightly grazing his cock, making him more horney he begged her "god...fuck...Lucy...stop....please" them five word was all she need to hear as she tugged his boxers down releasing his giant cock from its cotton prison, he kicked his boxers off and she moved down, she figured it wasn't fair he was the only one without cloths she she ripped off her top and said to him "take my bra off" tim quickly scrambled his hands up and ripped the bra off breaking it as he said "fuck that you won't be needing it when your with me anyways" tim began to fondle with her nipped before placing them in his mouth causing his harness to get bigger and her to get so much pleasure and moan "" hearing his name moaned from lucy mouth made him ecstatic he finished with her nipples and ghosted a trail of kisses up her neck and to her mouth as she pushed him down again, she was now kissing his neck finding his soft spot hearing her name grunted in her ear, while leaving her mark on him, she started kissing down his body when she finally reached his treasure trial, she traced it with her fingers then her tounge, she then moved her attention to his massive erected cock, as she saw the pre-cum seeping from the tip of him, she licked it off, then she took him in, her whole mouth became filled with him, as he moaned into the pleasure or her warm mouth around him, he was too big for her to fully take so instead she wrapped her hands around the base where her mouth wouldn't reach and started pumping aswell as sucking she found a steady rhythm, when tim began to feel like his body was about to explode if he didn't release himself, he embedded his hand in her hair moving in union with her head as it bobbed up and down, he stated to grunt "arghh....God......fuck....Lucy....I'"
With lucy hearing those words she moved faster wanting him to spill his load in her mouth, he moaned "FUCK I FEEL IT IM CUMMING" and with that said his spilled his warm seed into her mouth as he was coming down from his amazing orgasm, his eyes met lucys, lucy made sure he was watching her as she swallowed his load, keeping her eyes on his, she then got up and layed on tims chest, coving his naked body from the cold....

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