Chapter 2: Day One

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Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Ashido had landed. They left the airport and saw a limo driver holding a sign with their names on it. They looked back and forth to each other and Yaoyorozu walked to the driver, "Um sir? Why are you holding a sign with our names on it?"

"OH! You must be Miss Yaoyorozu! I will say Sir Midoriya was correct you really are beautiful!"

Yaoyorozu blushed at this and nodded, "Um yes I am Yaoyorozu. But you never answered my question."

"Oh that's because Midoriya asked me to drive you all to his home."

Kirishima approached from behind, "That's awesome! I'm Ejiro Kirishima! Nice meeting you!"

"Yes Midoriya has told me a lot about you all."

Ashido spoke, "Wait are you Midoriya's personal limo driver?"

He shook his head, "No I am not. He saved me a while ago and I owed him a favor so he asked me to do this. I will say you all have a great friend." They all nodded and they entered the limo.

The Limo driver dropped them off and it was a giant house overlooking the beach. They entered the house and Yaoyorozu noticed there was a note on a table nearby addressed to them.

"Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't there to welcome you three but sadly I was still on patrol. There are three extra rooms available you all can have. There is one next to mine on the first floor and two on the second room. I am assuming Kirishima and Ashido are going to share a room and that's fine. I stocked up the fridge and pantry for you all so you can eat whatever I have. Hopefully I will be home soon!"

Yaoyorozu put the note down after she read it aloud, "Well looks like Midoriya won't be here for awhile. You all can take whatever rooms you want."

Ashido spoke, "Ejiro you wanna share a room on the second floor?"

He nodded and Yaoyorozu spoke, "First floor is where I am staying. I don't wanna hear your bedroom activities."

Kirishima blushed, "I guess that makes sense. I guess that means your bedroom neighbors with Midoriya."

"I guess so. I am gonna look around. Maybe I find something to help us be able to bring Midoriya back."

Ashido spoke, "Yaoyorozu I don't think that's gonna happen. You saw his text. He has every intent of not coming back. And after sleeping it over it makes sense."

Kirishima spoke, "What do you mean babe?"

"Just think about it. Japan has been filled with death for Midoriya. The first battle, the second, Tenko, All Might, his mom, Present Mic, Midnight and more. Can we really blame him for not wanting to come there? In all honesty can we really ask him to come to the place that has only shown him pain?"

Yaoyorozu took a breath in, "I also thought this over. I can't say we are 100% right in doing this. But if Midoriya is suffering we need to help. He may not accept it. He may hate us. He may never talk to us. But to me at least it will be worth it if Midoriya is able to get the help he needs."

Ashido spoke, "I was never really good friends with Midoriya but I also want to help him. I just don't fully agree with what we are doing."

Kirishima spoke, "I am with you Mina. I don't fully agree with how we are handling this but it needs to be done."

Yaoyorozu spoke, "You all put your stuff up on the second floor. I am gonna look around for something." They nodded and went to their destinations.

Yaoyorozu opened the fridge. She looked and saw a shelf full with six packs. She counted nine in total. She sighed, "Great. I hope this is just a coincidence." She continued to look around and she opened the trash can and she saw that it was empty, "Freshly changed. Probably did it to try and hide something from us. Let me look." She went outside and spotted the garbage can. She opened it and saw multiple trash bags. She also noticed one of them was filled to the brim with beer cans, beer bottles, and empty wine bottles. She sighed once again and entered the house again. She decided to look at her room. She opened the door across from Midoriya's, "Time to put my stuff away I guess." She hit the lights on and looked around, "Um wrong room I guess." She noticed he had a board with pictures on it. She approached it and she saw a multiple arson cases, "Why would Midoriya be investigating this?" She looked over the papers and pictures stuck to the board, "Looks like a string of arson cases. Only thing they have in common is the things to start the fire is the same fire based quirk. Hm." She heard a sonic boom and she quickly turned the lights off and shut the door. She then went into the right room and put her stuff away.

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