rules / oc names !

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p.s, before you start reading, these are object ocs only!
hello everyone!!
welcome to ask my ocs!!
let's get over the really awesome rules first
and listen to the song it's really cool

rule 1: no nsfw or any gross stuff!! that's like, the number one rule!!! (please follow it)
rule 2: no hate. we all dislike hate, don't we????
rule 3: please be careful with questions! or to re-word it, don't make questions way too personal then they should be!
rule 4: please don't say your question multiple times unless you have permission to! (for example, if I don't get your ask in more than 2 chapters, feel free to say your questions again! i am not evil, i promise)

now for the ocs
gosh dang this is gonna be a handful
the ocs will be separated with lines!!

name: starfish
gender: they/them
likes: water (they are a starfish) turtles, mermaids (from the movies), and fish cookies!
hates: fried fish, or anything made out of fishes/sea animals (they hate seafood basically) and fishermen
object: a starfish-

name: gift
gender: she/they
likes: cake. ( just cake!!!! j-just cake!!/ref) or sugar
hates: non-sweet stuff, reading, and being cold
object: a gift (why did I even put the object thing here)

name: chainsaw
gender: he/him
likes: destroying stuff, staying up late, magazines, 2000's songs, and horror movies!
hates: people who don't like his friends or him, really annoying advertisements (most of us hate them)
object: ..chainsaw

name: tamagotchi
gender: she/her
likes: video games, teddy bears, pink things, cats, makeup, ice cream, and comic books!
hates: octopus (they scare her), bears, and bugs
object: a tamagotchi

name: glass bow
gender: she/her
likes: sleeping, cotton candy, and dancing!
hates: loud noises, or weird/gross noises
object: a glass bow

name: mint
gender: he/him
likes: reading, researching, taking walks outside, any animals (theyre interesting!)
hates: horror movies, what's in the darkness, holes, forests, and being alone
object: a mint (pink!)

name: strawberry
gender: they/them
likes: anime, manga, hello kitty, plushies
hates: gory stuff, reversed sounds, the future (it's scary to her) and aeroplanes
object: a digital strawberry

name: magical wand!
gender: he/him
likes: superheroes, golden stuff, rainbow thingys
hates: losing games
object: a magical girl wand

name: game over!
gender: any pronouns
likes: rainbows, glitchy stuff
hates: people trying to mess with him, or break the error screen
object: a computer error screen that reads 'Game Over! D:'

that's all!
ask away, right here!!
see ya!

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