Haunted Church #2

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(Colby looks at me) "Willow I didn't turn that on yet...", Colby says slowly in a nervous voice, (I look at him with horror in my eyes) "WHAT?!?!", I yell freaking out, "We are going downstairs by the others now, plus they should be done setting up too!", I yell while still freaking out, "Okay.", Colby says quietly. (We walk downstairs and see the others standing around looking like they just saw a ghost.)

"What's up with you guys?", Colby asks, "You know how we started getting everything ready at 9:00 p.m. ish...", Sam says sounding kind of freaked out, "Yeah.", Colby and I say at the same time, "While right as we heard your rempode start going crazy upstairs I looked at my phone to check the time and it was exactly 3:00 a.m....", Sam says freaking out, "But it feels like we were only getting things ready for 20 or 30 minutes...", I say also freaking out, "Should we investigate?", Seth asks, "I don't know man...", Nate says sounding scared, "I mean we are getting so much activity already and we haven't even started...", Colby says trying to be careful of what he says, "It would make sense to investigate." Colby finishes what he was saying.

 "Yeah, but with this weird time thing happening we might feel like we were here for like 5 hours and then find out we were here for like 5 days or 5 years or something like that..." Sam says still freaked out, "Guys I think we should leave and come back with a professional in a few months after we have had time to calm down about what has happened." I say in a serious tone, "I'm fine with that.", Nate says, "Same." Seth says, "Yeah, yeah let's get our stuff together and go..." Sam says still obviously freaked out, but it also seems like he's hiding something, "Colby?", I say trying to see if he's ok with it, "Let's go get the stuff from upstairs Willow.", Colby says sound kind of sad.

(TIMESKIP: After we get everything together and, in the car, Nate and Seth get in Nate's car tell us bye and leave, then Sam, Colby and I get in Sam's car.) "Sam are you sure you're ok with driving?", I ask Sam who is shaking, "No...", Sam says in a sad and scared voice, "How about you sit back here and relax, and Colby can drive, and I'll sit in the passenger's seat?", I ask, "Okay..." Sam says quietly, (We all switch spots and then Colby starts driving) 

(TIMESKIP: We are back in L.A. and at our house, Sam is still shaken up and has been in his room since we got home, it has been 3 weeks since the incident happened)  

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