Chapter 17

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Kirishima keeps kicking the rocks in the path. He doesn’t mean to, but there are a lot littered across the ground of the narrow alleys, and on top of that, it’s dark. Every time he kicks one Mina jumps.

“Stop doing that, Kiri!” Mina hisses, swatting at his arm.

“I can’t see well enough!” Kirishima says back, his voice a whisper. “You’re so jumpy!”

“We’re going to see a witch , of course I’m jumpy.” Mina says, shivering. “Aren’t you spooked?”

Kirishima hums. “I’m not really sure what to expect, so I guess not. Ojirou is confident enough.”

Ojirou turns around to look at both of them. “They smell fear, you know.”

Mina whines and walks closer to Kirishima, wrapping her hands around his arm.

“I don’t know why you’re holding onto me.” Kirishima laughs. “You have more experience with fighting. And haven’t you met her before?”

“Shut up and stop kicking rocks.” Mina says. “Yeah I’ve met her. That’s why I’m throwing you to her if she so much as makes eye contact with me.”

“What?” Kirishima slumps against her. “I can’t believe I’m being used like this.”

“Get!” She pushes him up, laughing. “Get off, dumbass! That’s what you get for leaving me alone at that tavern!”

“You were with Hatsume!” Kirishima counters.

“Mhm. I’m so sure that’s what you were thinking about when Bakugou dragged you back to the ship. I was worried someone found you out!” Mina says.

  “Sorry, sorry.” Kirishima laughs. He does feel bad, though, that she was worried over him.

"Guys…” Ojirou turns around again. “You’re so loud she’ll probably refuse us entry.”

“Right! Shutting up!” Mina says, saluting at him. Ojirou nods at her and turns around.

Kirishima follows Ojirou through the alleys. He hears water running somewhere nearby, and before he knows it their rubbled cobbled path becomes dirt, and the walls around him become tall, tall foliage, black instead of green in the darkness.

His feet start to stick to the ground as it becomes muddy.

“We have to wade through.” Ojirou says. The lamp he carries is the only thing lighting their way. Kirishima hopes he doesn’t sink suddenly, or step off a hidden bank. He can’t swim that well.

The water goes up to his waist, but he follows carefully behind Ojirou. It smells muddy and sticky, and he dreads how his boots will stink over the next few days.

The water level lowers, and Kirishima is in awe as little lights start to light their way, glowing insects trapped in glass cages, sending an eerie otherworldly flicker across their path.

“That’s it.” Ojirou says, pointing to a hut, mossy and tangled within a tree, whose roots twist and tie themselves over the watery forest floor. “She knows we’re coming.”

“Did you send a letter?” Kirishima asks.

Ojirou laughs, but Kirishima wasn’t joking. He feels like he’s being watched. The forest is filled with sounds- the wet ground, the buzzing lights, and the chirping of night animals, but something strange is suspended in the air that makes everything seem quieter than it is. It makes him want to whisper when he talks.

“We’re just...walking in?”

Ojirou nods, and they ascend the creaking, slippery steps, opening the door to the witch’s hut.

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