Chapter 30

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There is one way in,

And many ways to leave the world,

Keep your captain’s head,

And forget the oysters pearled.

Kirishima wants to open his eyes, but it’s harder than he remembers. There’s some sort of pressure keeping them closed, and some distant heaviness that keeps his shoulders stiff against whatever is beneath him.

Was he dead? Nah. Too alive to be dead, he thinks. Alright then, so if he isn’t dead, then what is he?

Kirishima tries again to open his eyes. He sways his consciousness forward a little further with every wave of awakedness that passes him by. Soon, he manages a slit of vision- dark that’s less dark than behind his lids.

He hears himself groan. Wow his mouth tastes bad. Where’s Bakugou?

“I’m here.”

Did I say that out loud?


Wow. Everything is out loud.

“You better not be gone on me.”

What’s that supposed to mean?

“You got a knock to the head, hun.”

Who…  Oh! It’s Mina.

“Yes, it’s Mina.”

Kirishima notices in the time that he managed to move his mouth, his eyes have fallen shut again. He opens them again, this time a little easier. Pain is starting to smart it, in little pins and needles, the more awake his body feels, the wearier he realizes he is… Maybe I should sleep a little more.


Bakugou sounds angry.

“Of course I’m angry, you’ve been out for ages, idiot.”


“Yeah, oh . Before you sleep at least get this medicine down. And the food.” Bakugou says.

His eyes are closed again, but he smells something halfway to nice, and gentle fingers- probably Mina’s (he hears a snort) open his mouth and start to shovel food in. His body goes through the motions- he didn’t really need to think about eating. So instead of thinking he tries to open his eyes, but when he does he guesses he concentrates too hard, because Mina tells him to chew again.

Nice lady. Mina is nice.

“Thank you.”

Ah, out loud again.

“It’s all been out loud, hun.”


“Yep, oh. Keep your mouth open like that for some water.”

Bakugou is nice too. Ah! You saved me, didn’t you?

“Hmm.” Mina hums, close to his face, then a little further away as she gets water, presumably. “It’s a little messy. We saved each other, I suppose.”


Kirishima knows it’s all there. He’s got all his memories, but he’s not sure if he wants to sort through those right now. He’s tired. But there’s one thought that presses up and up and up until it’s at the front of his mind, and if it gets any closer, he’s sure Mina will tell him to chew again.

“Can’t chew water, hun.”

Ice .

“Well enough to be a smartass.” Bakugou snorts.

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