Episode 1

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Today is August 10, Friday. Me and my best friend, Mau, are lying on the couch, watching Sleeping Beauty. I believe in magic and she like BTS meaning she is Army. I am 12 and she is 11 but says that i'm 11. I was also a BTS fan but my mom banned me from all that stuff and soon I realised that I did not 'love' them, it was just an distraction so I also lost interest and started believing in magic. 

Suddenly, a book appeared in front of us and we are freaking out, hugging each other as the book is coming closer and closer. "I- I think it's safe," I said pulling apart and holding her hand out for the book. I don't know why, but it just seemed so safe to take that book. "Are you crazy?" Mau said to me and finally, the book came in my hand.

"Look! ' practicing magic: beginners guide.' " I read out excitingly, opening the book. "How to go into your desired universe, with your friends without anyone knowing." I read page 1 heading. "We can finally live the life we wanted, Mau! You can be with Taehyung and I can be with my magic." I exclaimed happily. "Oh no no no no, I don't trust that book even a bit," She said shaking my head. "Please, can we at least try?" She asked with a pout. "Okay, fine. " She said finally giving in.

"So, it says here, Close your eyes, holding the book in your hand, and imagine the place you would want to be." I am waiting to see what happens next. "Let's do it!"

We closed our eyes, and both of our hands on the book. And I imagined a life with baby Tae, her age because I know she would also would be imagining my magic, with my bestie, and the magic stuff for me. I started feeling all funny and then I opened my eyes, seeing that we're in some hallway.

It worked!

I shaked Mau so she can open her eyes. "It worked! We're at some sort of place." I said, the grin on I face getting bigger.

"You have a tag," She said pointing at the tag on my dress. "Aphrodite: Orphan, 10" She read out and my eyes widened in shock, I loved my parents. "O-orphan?" I said my voice breaking. "And 10? I guess this was the catch. Wait, you have it too." I stated and she tried to look at it. "Mau,9: Orphan" And this time her eyes widened. "We're both orphans? and why am I a year behind you?" She asked and I just  shrugged because I did know either. I looked behind me, because Mau was, I saw a lady come towards us.

"Oh! There you little kids are! Come on, someone just came in and asked specifically for you two. You are getting adopted today!" She said with a lot of excitement as we just shared a glance and started following her out. We saw a man who looked like he was in his 30s. The lady pushed us in front of the man and he started speaking. "Hello, children. I am David Thornton, here to adopt you two."

We just shyly smiled as the man took us to his home and told us that he lived alone in his house and that we are witches and would be going to a school named ' Hogwarts'. I was over the top, considering that my wish came true! I'm a witch!  He said that we could explore the area around so here we are, outside the house watching a boy playing with his mum.

I looked carefully and realized that the boy looked like Taehyung. I glanced at Mau as she was looking at me, I said, "Go, get your man. If you need me, I'll be here somewhere under a tree." And I saw her run towards the boy and talk to him.  I started looking around and saw few trees, so I decided to go that way.

I found myself a nice tree, it is big so I sat underneath it. Then I remembered that I had pockets in my dress. If I have pocket in a dress, you will not find it empty because I always keep my pockets full. I checked them, a bottle cap, buttons and candy. Candy! I unwrapped it and ate it, putting the wrapper in my pocket. My other pocket. 

I stood up and started walking in an undefined direction, hands in my pocket. I noticed a boy my age also, is walking towards me. We reached at a point that we were face to face each other. There is the awkward silence in life. Since, I get claustrophobic in too much silence, I decided to break it. "Hello?"

"Hi?" Said the boy who is blonde. He is kinda cute. "Who are you?" We asked at the same exact time. "Ladies first." He said. "Aphrodite." 

"Full name?" He asked again "I'm an orphan." I said with a straight face. "I'm sorry, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He offered me a hand shake and I gladly shook his hand with a smile. We sat down there and talked for a while and when it got dark we said goodbyes. "It's getting dark, I should go now."I said to the blondie, standing up as he followed . "Bye then, Aphry." He said. "Aphry?" I asked. "Yeah, it's a cool nickname." He shrugged. "Meet me here at 3 tomorrow?" I asked again. " Yeah sure." He said smiling. "Bye Dray." 

I waved him goodbye as I heard him chuckle, also leaving and went in the direction of the home. I saw Mau standing there, waiting for me. "This is awesome! So many things had happened. I mean being a witch and meeting Tae?" She exclaimed when we are both equal. " I know right, I also made a new... not sure what we are." I said opening the door and entering.


Hope you liked it!


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