Medical files of Apartment 404

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I have taken insperation from 123doroth check him out

*Random Doctor pov*

Patient: Andrew Graves 

Age: 22
Weight: 160-180 lbs
Height:5'11 (155cm)
Gender: male
Eye color:green

Description: Andrew Graves is the older brother of his sister and cares for her well-being but is also kind of a doormat for her, looking closer reveals a  troubled mind.       

Psychological evaluation: Normal person except that he shows signs of PTSD like feeling irritable and having(if pushed to much) angry or aggressive outbursts especially if it's implied that something bad will happen to his sister or other important people in his life.(Note: be careful with your wording)

habits/relationship: Andrew is a smoker on occasion (Note: a way of dealing with his PTSD?). Has an overly affectionate relationship with his sister, when asked why his relationship with his sister is the way it is, Andrew said that his parents neglected the both of them so he had to take care of his sister from the very young age. Andrew is also in a relationship with his girlfriend named Julia , when asked about other friends he said he has a good friend named Marcoh and he knows him since his childhood but he has to leave sometimes for personal reasons, but they are still good friends, when questioned about friends when he was young his breathing became unsteady and he shook a bit like he was about to have a panic attack but he got it under control quickly (Note: Traumatic experience? Possible death of a friend? Reason for his PTSD?).    

Testing results: When taking the rorschach test, Andrew gave some very interesting answers.

1: A leaking coffin

2: A knife set

3: A porcelain doll

4: A phantom covered in chains 

5: a priest at a funeral

Andrews mindset is one of depression but he shows no signs of the average depression, it's restlessness as if he can't let go of something or he tries to let something go but it never truly leaves his mind.

End of file

Patient: Ashley Graves

Age: 20
Weight: patient refused to cooperate with us, so it's unknown
Height: 5'6 (152cm)
Gender: female
Eye color: pink

Description: Ashley Graves is the younger sister of Andrew Graves and far less cooperative than her brother. She acts aggressive towards members of staff especially women to the point were she threatens most female staff that she meets, even with male members of staff she isn't very cooperative.

Psychological evaluation: Ashley Graves is a manipulative egotistical Sociopath(Note: because of the neglect of her parents and being raised almost only by her brother who probably spoiled her often)  that almost lacks all empathy and remorse. The only way we manged to make her cooperate in the slightest way was with the help of her brother. When she is around him she acts more friendly and helpful and less egotistical and more focused to ensure that both of them are ok (Note: a lack of strictness during parenting has most likely lead to her becoming the way she is). When asked about any relationships she rudely remarked that she only needs her brother. Ashley's behavior towards the staff and her answer to relationships lets on that she A.S.P.D(Antisocial personality disorder) when asked about her brothers girlfriend she said nothing only giving a cold stare. When asked about his friend Marcoh she answered that he is a ok but that he sometimes can be a ass(Note: Ashley and Marcoh seem to butt heads sometimes).

Habits/relationship: No cooperation. Ashley has a overly affectionate relationship with her brother which makes her dislike almost any other person that tries to come near him, mostly females. This is probably the result of the neglect of her parents and a 7 year old Andrew taking the roll of a gentle and loving parental figure (Note: little to no strictness and discipline). However she remains friends with the individual known as Marcoh.

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