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While lying on the couch, in the apartment of your friends slowly starving to death. You start to think about what has lead you to come in this situation. You were born in a different City one full of crime families and evil. You were an only child and didn't really have people to connect to except your parents which you loved dearly, until they just disappeared, so you a 8 year old child had to fend for himself. The trauma of that abandonment stuck with you for a long while.

Through sheer luck you were picked up by a man named Ricardo after 2 month of surviving alone on the streets. When he "adopted" you he didn't really talk that much to you, at that moment it didn't really matter to you who he was because he honestly had no intention of going to harm you. You moved together with your new caretaker Ricardo to a different city with better quality of life and less crime.

Ricardo was a mystery for you he wasn't extremely kind towards you or acted like a parent so you were never really emotionally attached to him, but you asked yourself why he chose to help you without any apparent benefit for him. He also was most of the time at work so you still had to take care of yourself most of the time of. He was there when you went to the doctor or any other things that a child needed a parental figure for. But besides that you were alone most of the time. 

*through living on the streets and taking care of yourself alone you learned "lockpick" and "cooking"*

Back when you were younger you had autophobia and didn't like being alone. You weren't terrified and shit your pants but it felt like any moment your hole world could just collapse again just like when your parents disappeared. However you manged to control it but the thoughts still lingered in the back of your mind. ( you also aged and are 12 years old as you encounter Andrew and Ashley)

In this new city you manged to find your first friends. You met him as you were going shopping for some groceries. He and his little sister were being bothered by some older kids so you went over talked to the older kids making a false threat that you were going to snitch to a worker here and get them kicked out or worse getting arrested. Hearing that they could get into trouble made them retreat. As you were about to head home the boy came over to you thanking for your assistance and introduced himself as Andrew and his little sister as Ashley, they then asked for your name. You told them your name and Andrew asked if you wanted to play together with him, his friends and Ashley. You from that point on no longer in this world.

You started to play with Andrew, Ashley and their friends Nina and Julia. You interacted more and more with the Graves siblings and stayed over at their place many times. You found out that their parents are neglecting them especially Ashley as she is a problem child. Because of their neglect Andrew had to fulfill the role of both mother and father for Ashley but, as a child himself, he would spoil her and cater to her every demand in exchange. You were always there for the both of them because you also know how it is to be alone and having to fend for yourself from when you were on the streets. You helped Andrew with taking care of Ashley but took a more stricter approach than Andrew who spoiled her often, even though you were strict with her and also scolded her when she did something bad she still liked you and you remained good friends. Now you see that the neglect from her parents, the kind treatment from his brother and the quarantine turned the relationship between her and Andrew into a toxic and codependent one were Ashley in particular relies on Andrew to survive. Even though they are really close with each other, they also have a lot of arguments with each other. These arguments are often instigated by Ashley, either by intruding on Andrew's boundaries or by accusing him of disliking or even neglecting her for fear of abandonment. 

You noticed how Ashley doesn't really have any friends except you and Andrew as Nina and Julia appeared to be wary of her and mostly with her brother because of Andrew. One day you saw Andrew and Nina going to the old warehouse were you used to play together. Being curios but not wanting to interrupt them you followed them quietly. They met up with up Ashley who was all ready at the Warehouse and manged to get inside. After that you saw Nina coming out and start counting, they were playing without you. Angry and feeling betrayed you left to go home. The day after you wanted to ask them to why they didn't want you to be there and when you went to the warehouse you were confused. Andrew seemed to be completely horrified and Ashley was completely calm. They started to argue with Andrew being still under shock. You needed to find out what in that box was that horrified Andrew so much. You followed them as they went a bit further away from the warehouse to the woods. 

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