Bad Dreams= Bad Mood

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As I open my eyes I find myself lying on a bed of red flowers. It's annoying that I not able to have a proper dream, but I welcome this dreamworld more than that of the pedophile with the purple cat mask.

"When I'm already stuck here I might as well find the black basketball looking demon with 3 eyes" I say to myself as I start to get up.

This world is weird like, some things just don't make sense. I need to pick up flowers to make a bridge to cross gaps and not fall into an endless void, but at least the color scheme matches it's owners taste. It's like you bought an unfinished house with no intention to finish it just because you like the color.

 I don't understand why the powerful demon just couldn't make this place a little more visitor friendly.

Picking up a few flowers and throwing them where a gap is, get's repetitive when you do it over and over again, but it's only tiresome not annoying. What does annoy me is that when I walk into one direction I end up in the same "room" but at the opposite side of where I "left". This demon is probably a fan of puzzle games.

I manage to complete this leave this room and meet a familiar face.

"TaiNted SoUl, you'Re bAck.... agAin."

"You don't sound happy to see me, on the other hand your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard so I can't really tell." I say to him.

The demon says nothing.

Did I offend him?

"Sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings but I still don't know if you're happy to see me or not."

"I accEpt youR apoloGy, aND I aM cOnTent wiTh yOu reTuRning hEre eVen thoUGh tHis iS nOt  yoUr rEAlm."

"I already told you I would much rather have a normal dream than come here, no offence intended you're great company."

"I aM flAtTeRed TaiNted SoUl."

The Demon stated with a hint of sarcasm

"Soooo.... what now."

"I wAs hoPPing yoU wOUld rEtuRn tO yOur rEalm, bUt nOw I want tO do soMetHing elSe."

"ThEre aRe tWo wAys fOr mY kiNd tO geT sOme tAsty soUls. OnE iS thRougH bEinG sUmMonD tO yOur rEalm, tHe oTher iS thRough pLayiNg a hUmAn gAme wIth otHerS oF mY kiNd."

"What is the game called, I might be able to help you get better."

"It'S callEd PoKer."

I stare at the demon, with a look of confusion and an expression which basically says 'are you serious?'.

After a little over a minute the demon starts talking again

"MigHt yOu bE aBle tO tEach mE, tAinTed soUl?"

It asked, I manage to hear a little bit of embarrassment through it's distorted voice                

"Sure I have some experience with playing Poker, I am able to teach you somethings."

"ThAnk yOu tAinted SoUl, wHen wE mEt iN yoUr reAlm oNe dAy I wilL rEwaRd yOu wiTh sOmeThing whiCh wiLl hElp yoU on yOur jOurnEy."

With that said, the demon summoned a table and a pack of cards and I started to educate him on how to legally rob people

(Timeskip brought to you by Marcoh teaching the demon on how to play Poker)

I stare at the demon, his poker face standing stronger than prime Mike Tyson, probably because he has no real facial expression or face

"FUll hOuse." 

It telepathically laid it's cards on the table, however unlike you, this newbie wasn't trained by Caligura, the best con artist and poker player to walk this planet.

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley x OcOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant