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A mass of long brown hair is the first thing aria seen before a small body tackled her blonde daughter.

"Leona! Leona!"

"Stella oh I'm missed you!"

Two little body's were wrapped in a tight hug, first day of school both girls heading into kindergarten just graduating pre k at the end of spring.

"Stella rose!" Both are the young girls have shy smiles in their faces before turning and seeing The one and only Eddie Munson trudging toward them with a slow almost lazy pace

"Yes father dear how may I be at your service"little Stella quipped at her exhausted father

" quit it with the sarcasm little lady, now I told you before we got here that you were to be patient and not run off." The frizzy haired rockstar gently scolded his daughter.

Little Stella pulled a annoyed face, leona was busy red face and giggling at her friend and Aria was busy drooling over the curly haired man.

His hair was tied up in a low bun at the nap of his neck a sliver hoop adorned his right nostril a singular dangling dagger earring on his left earlobe light stubble covered his boyish face, black ripped jeans tightly on his long lean legs, a white Motley Crue top with the sleeves and sides cut off and a pair of worn out doc martens on his feet.

And to throw the cherry of top of this hot piece of man was the tattoos littering his hands,neck and arms. Aria even spotted a giant grim reaper tat on his rib.

A pulling on her arm snapped her out of her list full stare.

"Mommy stop watching mr Munson like a creep" aria's 5 year old daughter Leona giggle bash fully.

Scoffing aria looked down at her daughter who was a spitting image of her low life bastard of a father but the love she had for that little girl overshadowed the hate she had for the child's father.

"I was not watching him."

"Yes you were momma... but it's okay I stare at him sometimes to he's so pretty" the five year dreamily said

Aria let out a loud laugh and a pig like snort which made the Munson man look up from his daughter.

He smiled and Flaunting his way over to the younger women.

"You must be aria, my daughter doesn't shut up about you or your little girl. Eddie Munson pleased to meet you."

"Ha yeah that's me" the young mother awkwardly laugh

A sly smile made its way onto Eddie's face he could help but to stare at her.

Half black and red hair, big brown eyes lined with black eyeliner and cover in black eyeshadow, her hair was in a half up half down style big sliver hoops in her ears, tattoos littering up in down her hands and arms it even looked like she had some creeping up onto her neck, a pair of skinny leather pants covered her legs a cropped Metallica shirt adorned the top half of her body and a pair of black slip on vans on her feet.

"Rad shirt! I toured with them during the summer! Favorite bands hands down" Eddie excitedly voice

" yeah they are pretty awesome."

Aira smiled she was glad know one really knew  who her dad was and thankfully used her mother last name on anything to do with the public eye, she was born when Metallica had been in the process of making the  st anger album. Her mother was a close friend of James and one thing led to another and boom nine months later a beautiful little girl was born with big brown eyes that she got from her mother but all her other looks were from her father. James being married at the time as well didn't help the situation, her father only visited on the weekend and holidays and the occasional week trip during the summer, she's only ever met her younger siblings once and that was when James had done his most recent stay at rehab. Arias mother never let her daughter in the spotlight of fame and keep her way from anything that would expose her to the public and for that Aira was thankful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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