Making music in a Treehouse

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I woke up this morning feeling peaceful. The kind of peaeceful when you feel so awake, but you could fall back asleep for another two hours if I wanted to. That's how I feel at the current moment. I dug my head to the softest spot on my pillow and pretended it was the grass from Our field. I just lie there and let the sunlight blaze through the windows. I wonder how long I've been sleeping? I usually don't like sleeping too late because I feel as if I've already wasted my whole morning. I listened to hear if anyone was up, I sat up, stood up and let the cold floor prickle my bare feet. Why were my pajamas so tight? I looked down to see I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. Oh yeah, I fell asleep before I could get in my PJ's. I crept out the bedroom door and into the hall. The floorboards creaked underneath the weight of my footsteps. I paused, listening for any sound of Uncle Clarion and Zach being awake. I could hear a slight noise, it sound like a fryer. Bacon? I ran down the stairs and found Uncle Clarion cooking pancakes and bacon, and Zach eating his breakfast. They're both dressed for a new day and I'm dressed in clothes that have milkshake stains on my shirt.

"Good morning miss Cally! Want some o' my special pancakes and crispy bacon?" Uncle Calrion asked.

I sounded awake but I didn't look it,"Of course! I'm starving! What time is it anyways?"

Uncle Clarion looked at the watch on his wrist and said,"10 o'clock. If you two don't mind, I'm gonna head down to the sheriff's office later. Do you both want to come with me?"

Well it's not like we had anything better to do. Zach and I said in unison,"Sure."

"Alrighty then! Oh and it won't be boring cause' sheriff Wyatt has a son Charlie that's your age. He's a good kid," Wow. I've already met Rachael, but now I get to meet another person! Now Zach's not the only guy. I quickly ate my breakfast and ran back upstairs to get dressed. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair is a mess! I Undressed and quickly hopped in the shower and quickly washed my hair. I turned off the hot water and wrapped a towel around me. I looked in the mirror again at myself. Am I really as pretty as Jake said I was? I look like any ordinary average girl. Do I? My Golden light brown hair fell down my back. I'm tall, skinny, my skin's fair, but slightly tan from the summer sun. But, the mist noticeable of all, are my piercing green eyes. They're bright, with tints of yellow. My mom says they're as joyful as Christmas. Oh how I already miss my mom's sweet hugs in the morning. I quickly dressed in shorts, t-shirt, and my red high- top Converse. I brushed my teeth and my hair. I started blowdrying y hair, but just let the rest just air dry. As soon as I was ready I grabbed one of the books I brought with me and ran back down the stairs.

"I'm ready to go!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

Uncle Clarion grabbed his keys and walked out to the chevy. I called out to him,"where's Zach?"

Zach came running down stairs with his sketchbook at hand,"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

"What took you so long up there?" I questioned since I was down before him.

"Sketches and... You know." He trailed off.

I rolled my eyes because he always did that when he had a lot on his mind. We both ran outside and we both hopped into the beat-up Chevy,"So why do you need to go to the sheriff's office?" I asked Uncle Clarion.

"Well Miss Cally, if you must know, I have to talk to him about those dang teenagers trespassing into my yard! They think it's hilarious to kick over my trash cans and create a mess that I have to pick up!"

He seemed ticked. I don't blame him, I would be to.

"Let me guess, is Jake one of those trespassers?" Zach somewhat stated and asked.

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