Chapter 1

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Never thought I would end up here , with you , you disgust me, or so I thought , how could someone as cruel as myself allow him to be near , how could my dark black heart not hurt him as painfully like I did to all

A secret? A mystery ? , or all of this is a joke , to you , whom I vowed to hate and destory , but how could I , When such eyes burn with warmth I have never felt before and how could I with my cold unkindly eyes , put such flames  out, someone please tell me , help me , rescue me , from such flames before I burn out and fall...


As I stand on top of the world , seeing most humans as objects and tools to achieve my goals , I am a one greedy woman for sure , but it wasn't my intention at first , once you get lied to or deceived by those closest to , you don't feel shit

As a duchess who killed her father and brother mercilessly , I was labelled as a madwoman , a tyrant , betrayer , traitor, you name it , I don't really care , I still have a goal to achieve tho , which is having the throne.

I was never interested in such things before , although I wasn't that much gifted, I studied really hard , tried my best , trained my swordsmanship night and day to not feel less than my brother whom my father adored , after my mother died under unknown circumstances , my father took it upon himself to make us perfect

It was mostly easy for my brother who was perfect at everything, unlike me , whom my father believed was a burden , the old man really had a traditional non functioning brain , looking back at it , it really makes me laugh , the old man was groveling at my feet begging me not to kill him , although he deserved it

I really tried to be perfect I honestly did , and I was at some point, however my efforts were not seen , I was given the lady of the house work while also working under my father and helping in business after begging him for so long to let me , but he thought my brother was best suited for the job , I have another brother which is from my mother's side , whom I have never seen before nor heard of of

I don't even know his name , and he never really came to see us once so I believe it's for the best , my father was involved in human trafficking and my brother helped him sometimes , both were such disgusting men , I am really glad I killed them

Although I regret not torturing them more 

"Your highness you have a meeting with the crown prince" the head maid said

"Let him in the guest room I will be there in a few minutes"

"Yes , your highness"

What does that slow brain , lowlife want? , I believe it's about my request to visit the imperial palace , unfortunately due to my bad luck I have to deal with him

"Welcome, your highness" I said bowing , gosh I hate bowing to those disgusting creatures

"Lady Serena how are you doing?"

"Duchess" I say to correct " and I am doing just fine , to what do I owe this visit for?"

"Serena... You know, I know you best , you're in denial"

" Who said you know me to begin with , you mean for that little time you were courting me , I was tricking you I only wanted the throne" oh please get over yourself here

"We both know that's not true"

"Alexander it's been 3 years , stop bringing it up "

"I won't until you tell me why you said we should stop seeing eachother I don't understand you , we would have been so great together , please my dear come back to me" he stood up from his place walking towards me until he towered over me , until our breaths were combined in one

He slowly , gently raised his hand and made it rest on my face , looking directly in my eyes , why is he looking at me with such hope in his eyes , doesn't he also believe I am a mad woman I may be holding a dagger somewhere , god , men don't have a brain that's for sure

I remove his hand from my face , and look directly in his with my cold as ice hazel eyes who were once full of warmth and love, his eyebrows frown and he says " When did you start looking at me that way?, oh starting from that one day , do you still blame for what happened?"

"Hah , quite nice of you to think I have the time to think about what you were doing whatsoever, I would really appreciate it if your highness would kindly leave , as for my poor health I am easily tired all the time"

"Please Serena , I beg you , return to that loving woman whom everyone loved , whom I...loved , you know I would never do anything to hurt you"

" Too late Alexander, now please leave "

" Fine , you know where to find me if you ever wished to , just know I would always love to touch your pretty face and your lovely long shiny black hair , your soft skin and those warm hazel eyes once again"

" You wish, my love" who does that man think he is , too bad he couldn't even help prevent his guards from trying to assassinate me that night nice try babe but it won't work

Finally that annoying man left , god that was so boring and tiring , how could he be still stuck up on the past like that , It was my father's idea for us to court , I won't lie I liked him alittle bit , but he didn't deserve it either ways , that cheating man , how dare he ask for forgiveness and saying it was his mother's request for him to do it

Ugh , what a mama's boy

With his typical blue eyes and his blonde hair of course he takes after his mom , in everything even the habits.

I was the illegitimate daughter, who was born from an affair my father had with my birth mother , my birth mother also didn't like me much she told my father to take me or else she would spread news of his affair , funny isn't it? , My father didn't give me a warm welcome , and abandoned me , I was never to be fed unless I was screaming , crying , shouting , I was allowed one meal a day

Unlike my biological mother and father , my stepmother was a warm sweet lady who adored me , sat with me , told me fairytales and played dress up with me , which was weird , I know I never expected to receive love especially from her , whom was supposed to hate me to core

Eventually she was killed , everyone believes that she wasn't but I swear on my life she was , and I believe I will find the culprit who did it , and will kill him with both my hands...

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