Chapter 2

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Everything that surrounds me surely dies , like what my father said it's funny because that somehow it came to bite him , Mathias you bastard I hope you are burning in your grave , I think to myself as I drink myself to sleep tonight as well..

"Your highness, I believe you should stop drinking now , it's not good for your health" I hear Christian's nagging voice again

"And how does that concern you dear , I believe you have a duty as my knight to go guard my room's door not enter it without permission"

"I deeply apologize, your highness, but my duty is to protect you from everything , even yourself, so what will it be , you throw this bottle or shall I? "

I poured him a glass and pushed it toward him with very little force that I barely have left " you know very well I can't sleep at night Chris , I haven't slept well since I was 16 , now look at me , I am 19 , nothing has changed" I said as I raised another glass to my lips which Christan stopped and put back down

"I will help you to your bed " Christan said as he began carrying me , and called for maids to change my clothes as he left the room , he didn't change one bit , I've known Christan since I was 10 and he was 12 , he was always quiet, smart, calm and collected , he never loses his cool, he doesn't smile alot

I used to pull alot of pranks on him , like that one time I jumped from a tree with a rope , that he was sitting under , and I wanted to pour water all over him , but I slipped and fell , it hurt alot I even remember that I hit a rock and my  left leg started bleeding , that was the first time I got a reaction out of him

He ran over to me , and started shouting asking me if I am alright or not , and when he saw my leg bleeding , his reaction was hilarious he carried me and started to run back to the mansion, he was very worried to the point I thought that he was another Christian and not the one I know , he carried more than my father , my stepmom liliana rushed to my aid and thanked christan , that's when I passed out , but mum told me that he refused to leave my side

He wanted to become my knight after I killed my brother and Father and I allowed it he deserves it, he is the only one that can stand up to me in a sword fight so he is valid

"I know you are there Sabrina" I say as I stare at my tea table , did she think I wouldn't see her or feel her presence? I mean it's pitch black but still I can't help but feel it

"I am sorry , your highness , I never intended to bother you-"

"I know, what do you need ? "

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay because sir Christan told me to check up on you but I thought you were asleep so I was looking from afar"

"It's alright love , I am alright "

"Then I bid you goodnight your highness"

"Yeah you too"

I think that maybe just tonight I may be able to drift into the dreams I have always wanted, and the life I always dreamed of....

"Why do you always have to disappoint me ? , can't you ever be better , you narcissistic, ungrateful,selfish person . You were born a mistake , live as quietly as you can , no need to bother your poor brother by showing off your knowledge " Mathias said as his head was about to even blow steam out of it like a chimney due to his anger

I remember this but why am I dreaming of it...

" You have such a lovely daughter, duke , don't you think she is getting old and should get married?" , I also remember this it was after my stepmother died , it was my last straw before I completely broke...

Before I became the kingdom's most feared monster, in gatherings they talk , at tea parties they talk , wherever you name it they talk l, " have you heard about the daughter of the duke who killed her own brother and father? "

"She killed them!!? " , Lady Serena the past crown princess, the girl who loved prince Alexander with all her heart that broke too many times that even collecting the shattered glass seemed harder every time

"God save us !!" I remember every word , of that conversation, that I heard when I was out at a tea party at the imperial palace, but when she said that I laughed at the top of my lungs looking at her , "don't you think, that god should have saved me first ? , don't you worry love , as long as I don't see you as an obstacle, I will do nothing to hurt you, otherwise " I said as I leaned in closer " I can tell you what the duke's last words were" I whispered to her

It was funny how silent she went after that , but why does my memory keep replaying in my dreams , why does the past keep hunting me like that , I hate everytime I remember Alexander, I hate how he was like a safe place for me from my father , when in reality he was just like him..

I wake up finally from such a weird dream , to watch Sabrina coming into the room and removing the curtains

"Would you like to have a bath your highness?"

"Sure rina"

"I always wonder what should I do after this , I vowed to find my mother's murderer who slaughtered her with cold blood but I don't know where to start or what shall I do , and I don't trust anyone these days , I am so lost..."I thought to myself but realised my voice was loud so I put my hand over my mouth

"So you really were lost huh ,and not how you showed most of the time, I guess even the high and mighty Serena is lost sometimes... You know you can trust me ,I shall always be on your side my dear.."

My eyes widened with surprise at the sudden voice , the voice came a little unclear due to my being behind a curtain and alittle far from the source and realising the fact that I am completely naked in my bath , who dared to come here

And why does the voice sound so warm and calming as if it was meant to calm me and stop my anxiety

Then I heard the source come closer and closer until he was standing in front of the curtain directly , his shadow was visible to me , and I believe my being in the bath is also very clear, he stood just 1mm behind the curtain and I could hear his breath

"Who are you? " I say with a harsh tone , it's a voice I haven't heard before so it's clear it isn't Christan nor Alexander's weird visits

" You don't remember me ? , I am hurt , I have always been by your side though , since the very beginning dear" the voice said as I was processing what was happening all while I am naked completely.

"If you're not going to give me an answer I would prefer if you get out as you can see I am having a bath and I don't have time for this" I say as hold my dagger near me in case of anything

I hear the footsteps come even nearer I feel him opening up the curtains when suddenly " your highness are you finished?" I hear Christan knocking on the door , and the shadow moved near to the window and then jumped out

"Your highness!??" Christan's voice was anxious due to me not answering him but how could I , when I don't understand what just happened and how did it even happen

Christan opens the door quickly and pulls out his sword , and he is walking towards my curtains god what is up with everyone trying to open them

"I am alright, Christan you may open the curtains if you want to see me naked" I say with a playful tone

"I beg your pardon , your highness , you were taking so long and you didn't answer when I called so I got worried-"

I wrapped the towel just around the necessary parts and walked out my chest was clearly showing just not until it's end , and the towel just covered a little bit under my ass and I opened the curtains and looked him in the eyes

"I am fine as you can see , so will you keep standing here or get out so I can change?" I may be saying that , but I wouldn't mind him staying if I was being honest

Christan nodded and got out quickly and called rina for me

Ugh it's been a while since I had someone in bed , maybe I shall go out today and bring someone with me for the night

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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