Chapter Seven

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Everyone, meet the handsome Ignis Amor. Well, how Claire and her mom see him. Everyone sees him slightly different because as an angel in human form he automatically appears as appealing as possible to be seen as trustworthy. Yes, pretty privilege at its finest

Claire Broker

"Wait, hold on, what did you just say his name is?" Sophia asked, struggling not to laugh. I pause for a moment, confused as I respond, "Ignis Amor." Immediately she burst out laughing along with her dad. "What's so funny about his name? I mean, it's a little unusual, but still," I inquire, scrolling through the digital notes I'd taken of Eden's letters to Ignis. "His name is literally Fiery Love in Latin," My best friend giggled out, so I roll my eyes. He's an angel, of course his name is something purposeful in Latin, I made a mental note, glancing at Eden as she cooed over Ellis. She didn't appear to be paying attention to this call. "Have you read any of the letters I had you translate?" I ask, faintly hearing the GPS in the background. "Yeah, I was reading them as I sent them to you," Sophia confirms, followed by her dad asking what letters we were talking about. "Claire found some letters in that old crypt in Grandma Ivy and Grandpa Hicks backyard, she sent me pictures of them and I used that language program you have for your archeology stuff to translate the letters," Sophia explains, "What about them?" I scroll back to the top of the notes before I respond, "Eden's mom is a piece of work." Ellis squeals in delight, when I look over she's waving her hands in the air as she grabs at Eden's face. "Right? I can't believe she was trying to break them up and take her baby from her," her voice full of disbelief. "I know it was normal back then, but it still enrages me that Eden's mom," I trailed off as Ignis wandered into the room. I looked over to see if Eden saw him too, but she was no longer here. Ellis was looking around for her, but neither of us could find her. "My love," He called out, tears brimming his eyes as he stepped foreword. His eyes drifted from me to my sister. She looks like Violet, I remembered, snatching her up before he can touch her. "I'm not your wife," I tell him firmly, moving across the bed from him. Ignis follows me as I move towards the French double doors that lead to my balcony. "Has too much time passed that your mind has erased me?" He asks, his heart breaking with each word. "I know who you are, but I am not who you think I am," I begin to explain, struggling with the old lock. "Of course you are, the earth could not be blessed twice with the same beauty," He seemed to be trying to convince me, or maybe it was both of us. "You are wearing my grace, just as you were the day John Harris took your life," Ignis continued, too preoccupied to notice I finally got the latch to give way. I stumble backwards, grateful that the balcony is more than just a few feet in size. The old wood creaks below my feet as I turn around, Ignis following us as I ran down the stairs and across the lawn into Eden's garden. My asthmatic were screaming at me as I ran the half a mile between my room and entrance to the garden. I turn around, finding that Ignis has stopped just outside of the garden, refusing to breach the passageway created by the unkept archway. "I wish Eden was here," I whisper as I slowly moved backwards until my legs grazed against the stone of the fountain. I sit down, taking a moment to make sure Ellis is okay. Our eyes lock, and then my lungs seize up as my head jerks back. 

Eden stood beside me, this time her veil was pulled out of her face to reveal the rope burn around her neck and the angle that her head was forced to sit. It was like I was looking in a mirror while wearing a red wig. "Am I going to drop my sister?" I immediately ask, but she was barely able to respond. A raspy no escaped her lips, which was enough for me. I looked around us, and I realized we were no longer at the house. We were stood outside of some sort of building in the middle of town, away from a large crowd that was gathered around a raised platform. On the center of the stage was a wooden contraption that looked similar to how you draw the set up for a game of hangman. My jaw dropped as the realization hit me. The crowd began to roar in rage, but not everyone felt the same. Some were shouting her innocence, while others agreed with the sentence. I was thankfully considered tall for this era in time, and was able to see over the crowd. My suspicions were confirmed as Eden was brought out, her hands bound by rope. She wasn't in her black mourning dress here, instead she wore an eggshell blue while her hair was hidden by a white bonnet. Her outfit wasn't regal like it had been in the past, now she was dressed the same like those in the crowd. Although one piece of her outfit stood out from the rest, a metal chain with a leather strap woven in between the links was fastened around her wrist. A man I didn't recognise followed a few feet behind them, wearing a black suit with coattails and a top hat. He took the stage and began addressing the crowd while the executioner placed the noose around Eden's neck. Even from back here you could see the fear and tears in Eden's eyes. The man removed his hat, a false sign of respect,"We are gathered here today to hang the witch Eden Clark. She has committed many crimes; those of which include adultery, affiliations with a demon, suspected murder, and obstruction of justice. For the last seventeen years Eden has been surrounding herself with the same demon, whom is still unnamed. Last year she claims to have committed herself to it, and that is how she came to be with child the same time as her mother. She has refused to tell us the fate of the abomination, although it has been presumed that she used it as a sacrifice to the demon. Without further ado, as Mayor John Harris I will ready to signal the hanging of the witch." He steps towards Eden, ripping her bonnet off of her head, revealing her long red hair. Murmurs broke out across the crowd, "I told you since she was knee high to a grasshopper she was trouble, her red hair's the proof." Tears filled my eyes as I look over at the girl holding my hand. Eden wouldn't look at me. Harris grabbed my attention as he cleared his throat. He threw Eden's bonnet to her feet, "Begin," and then he walked off stage. The executioner pulled the level, and the floor beneath Eden's feet gave out. I tried to look away before I saw it happen, but the crowd was so silent even from back here I could hear her neck snap and the gurgles of her struggling to breathe. A heart shattering scream broke out from behind us, forcing me to look behind me. A man was on his knees, but his appearance kept changing. His hair, skin, and eyes were changing in every aspect. "You will pay for this," Ignis declared, pointing towards the mayor. Eden released me. 

I gasp, my lungs no longer burning as Ellis cooed in my arms. I look around me, finding just us in the garden and Ignis nowhere to be found. A small group of people slowly began strolling towards me, which at first made my heart race. The closer the group came the more I was able to make out who they were and relax. Mom, David, and Uncle Jeff came into view which was a welcome sight. Mom seemed relaxed for the first time in months, despite David's best efforts to help her. "Where's Sophia?" I asked, passing my mom the baby as she began reaching for her. "We thought she was with you," Uncle Jeff gulped. A branch snapped from the woods beside us, the culprit stumbling out of the woods seconds later. Dakota was clearly disoriented, but as the black shadow surrounding him disappeared he became confused and terrified. It was then that my blood ran cold. "Where is she?" I demanded, storming towards him. 

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