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After explaining everything in length to Xaden, and begging him not to tell Bodhi. He demanded that I tell Bodhi, or he would himself. I was told to get too bad since I had something waiting for me in the morning.

I ignore what he says and walk up to Violet's room. She ushers me in and I lay down in the bed next to her.

"Are you okay?"

She nods.

"Violet you know I think of you like a sister right?"

She nods again.

"I won't let anything happen to you, no matter the cost."

"Talon, I think the same thing of you. Don't ever put your life before mine."

I shake my head.

"Your life will always be more important than mine. Plus I promised your sister and your mom that I'd protect you."

She grips my hand and squeezes it tight.

"Talon, make me a promise."

I look into her eyes.

"We both make it to graduation. You hear me?"

I nod and let the tears go.

"I was terrified when Rebel told me you were in trouble."

"I'm okay Talon."

I nod and we sit there comforting each other until we fell asleep. I woke up before she did and rushed to my room throwing on my flight leathers. As I push the door open throwing on my jacket, I run into a couple of infantry soldiers.

"What do you need?"

"The Commandant would like to see you."

I swallow and nod. I walk past Violet who opens her door as well.

"Where are you going?"

I keep looking forward but answer her.

"I'll see you in formation Vi. I'll be okay."

She nods and Rhiannon stands beside her as I walk with the soldiers. We make it to the commandant's office quickly. I'm ushered in and my eyes quickly meet General Sorrengail and Panchek's eyes.

I stand at attention and wait for what is going on.

"Cadet Highbrooke we have heard a lot about you recently."

"Good things I hope Commandant."

"Phenomenal things Cadet."

I'm a little shocked that even General Sorrengail looks exceptionally happy with me. I keep my eyes forward.

"Your professors have all expressed how advance you and your dragon are."

I stay silent as Panchek continues.

"You have completed a running landing already along with some third year flight maneuvers. Hand to hand you are unmatched all the way to the third years. History, physics, battle brief the highest marks in your class. Well beside Cadet Sorrengail."

Panchek reads off of reports that lay across his desk.

"It appears your training has put you ahead of your year Cadet."

General Sorrengail looks at me as she says this.

"Precisely General. That is why upon the recommendation of your professors, wing leader, section leader, and squad leader you are being promoted to a second year cadet."

I freeze and look up to General Sorrengail.

"No one in the history of Basgiath has skipped their first year."

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