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I was still required to walk with crutches for 2 weeks, and I was told to go back to bed for the rest of the day. Bodhi was walking me to my room and we were walking in uncomfortable silence.

"Do we really have to wait to get to my room to fight?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now Talon."

I crutched past him faster and used lesser magic to fling my door open.

"You're pissed, I get it. It's not going to change anything Bodhi! I am the best flyer, fighter, and signet we had. I'm not going to apologize for holding the line. I saved my friends lives and I don't regret it."

He slams the door behind him after we enter.

"I told you not to be reckless. What do you do, you throw all of that right out the window. While I sat here and worried."

I throw the crutches across the room and stand as tall as I can.

"Bodhi we are weapons in this war! I hate to tell you this, but you can't protect me forever. I spent the whole week being told that my duty station after graduation is going to be a war all in itself. I was told that every general in this kingdom wants me. I'm a soldier just like you, and it's time you face that. After next year, there is no guarantee we are going to be stationed together. Heck I'm sure Lilith will love for us to be separated by the whole fucking kingdom. I love you, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. But I'm also not going to sit out every time there's a fight because you're worried."

"So obviously there is something you wouldn't do for me."

I start to argue, but only silence fills the air.


He starts to walk towards the door.

"That's not true and you know it. It was an impossible choice and I made the one I thought was best. Yeah my leg got fucked up, but I'm fine."

He holds the door handle.

"It's like you forget that I've watched almost every single person I care about die right in front of me."

His words cut like a knife.

"It's like you forgot that I know what it's like too. It's like you forget that I was the one who didn't see my dad come home that night. I know exactly what you went through Bodhi, and you know exactly what I went through. Except that my mom hated me after my dad died. I'm not used to people caring about my well being. Until I met Violet, Mira, Ridoc, Liam, Sawyer, fuck you, I had forgotten what it was like to be cared about."

His eyes peer at me from across the room. I slam myself down on the bed, and try to hide my tears in my arms.


"Give me a second."

Every fight, every scar, every painful memory flashed through my head. I sit up and wipe my tears away quickly.

"I will always care."

His words are softer now.

"I'm so grateful for that, and I care about you so much. It literally makes my heartache every second I'm not with you. This is our life though, and if we can't figure it out here, what the hell are we going to do after graduation?"

His hand grips mine.

"I'm willing to make it work if you are."

I smile and kiss his knuckles.

"I am always willing to make it work Durran."

He smiles and chuckles as he wipes a tear away with his free hand.

"Just promise me, if you're going to do something like that again, you at least tell Xaden to tell me something."

I laugh.

"You think your cousin of all people would relay the message "Hey babe, I'm going into battle. Love you I'll see you soon.'"

He laughs and shakes his head.

"No, but let's make up a code word. The word will mean that I will stay as safe as I can and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Love you."

"Is bagel out of the question?"

We both laugh at my joke.

"How about we use the phrase I'll find the light?"

I smile and kiss his lips.

"Can you please stay?"

"I don't know Talon, I've already missed two classes."

I trace his bottom lip with my finger.

"I'm sure Xaden can make an excuse for you."

He looks to the door and I throw up a wall of light around it.

"No one's getting through that."

He smirks and I shuffle to the other side of the bed. He knocks off his boots and climbs into bed with me.

"I missed you so much."

He whispers into my hair.

"You know I read your note every night before bed while I was gone."

"Look at you getting all soft."

I chuckle and playfully smack his leg.

"I'm serious, it was the best I could do to have you sort of close."

"Maybe I need to get you one of my tunics or something. It would be better than a piece of paper."

"Just as long as you know that you are going to have to take it every once in a while to refresh the smell of you."

"Good thing that we have another year before graduation. I got some time to work out the details."

I chuckle and he kisses my head softly.

"When Xaden landed on the flight field without you, I almost got on my dragon and flew. I really thought that I was dying."

I put my arms around him the best I can and squeeze him.

"If I can promise you anything Bodhi, I'm not sure there is anything in this world that would keep me away. You're my forever, and I really hope I'm yours."

He kisses me hard.

"Does that answer that question for you beautiful?"

I kiss him again.

"Only if, you still let me join in on the war games later."

"Don't play me Talon. You were told bed rest, crutches, no flying."

"They never said anything about flying. Come on I'm fine."

His questioning worries me for a second.

"So if I were to just poke your calf."

I try to hold strong as his fingers touch the sensitive flesh.

"Okay, okay, I'll sit this one out."

"That's what I thought. Not so tuff now."

"I don't know, it's going to be a pretty nasty scar. Can you handle that Durran?"

He reaches around me and squeezes my ass.

"I think I've proven that I can handle you and that pretty little ass of yours. Even when your attitude gets in the way."

"I can show you attitude, if you don't touch my leg."

"Nope, as much as I'd love to make you scream my name. I am here to make sure you get some rest."

I pop my bottom lip as if I'm pouting, and Bodhi bites it gently.

"No arguments, get some sleep. He pulls me on top of him gently and I don't protest. His warmth and his heart beat are the best kind of lullaby.

"By the way, I love you too Talon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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