Chapter Three

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That Afternoon
Key, excitedly, was getting dressed to go on a date with Keith. She was finishing her makeup and about to do her hair. She began to think about her future with Keith. She was so deeply in love with him and couldn't even imagine her life without him. She began to imagine about her wedding. The planning was coming out better than expected. Everything was already getting set up, only thing she needed was a dress and she already had her eyes on the one of her dreams. Everything about Keith was just... Perfect. He did any and everything to make her happy. Everytime he kissed her , since they graduated high school, there was still that spark. A spark you could only get when you kissed someone you loved. "Babe, What Are You Thinking About? " , Keith said, which interfered with her thoughts. "You" she wanted to say. But she didn't I'm glad to say that I'm ready to move on to the future.... With you." Keith looked over at her with a small smile on his face "Aw, Baby. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you too. " Key smiled and turned back towards the mirror to finish applying her makeup. Keith, on the other hand, had a lot of things running through his mind. Will she still think this way once I confess to her about my infidelity? She probably won't. I can't picture my life with out my Key. After everything we've been through, I don't want to start over in the dating process. I just can't. I gotta be open with her, but I don't wanna lose her. I love ---- "Babe, I'm ready. " , Key said. Keith turned around to see Key standing there with a navy blue and white striped cocktail dress and white and gold sandals. "Baby... You look beautiful" said Keith as his eyes traveled up and down his body. Key's cheeks went to a softened red color as she thanked him. "You ready to go?" , asked Keith. Key nodded as they began to walk downstairs towards the front door. Keith opened the door and let Key exit first. Keith sighs. Here Goes nothing.

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