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If I had to sum up your beauty in words, the ink in my pens would dry out before I ever made it to your face. Your smile alone, blinding me with its brilliance, could stop my heart, and it has. To the point where I thought death was preferable to living without it. Your lips never leave my mind. Their softness. The way they touched mine at twilight while all manner of night creatures serenaded us with praises. The warmth that passed through our lips as I breathed in your soul. May God have mercy on anyone who would spill salt on such a lovely visage. For if it should ever leak from your eyes there'd be nothing left of them. Hold me. Like there's nothing left. Dance in my arms across fields and wildflowers until you're dizzy and drunk with glee. With me. Stay with me. The light from your smile is the only warmth I need.

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