forevever more

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Let me start by saying this, I'm a creative and I'm sensitive about my shit lol. With that being said, THIS IS A ONESHOT. A ONE AND DONE. I have no intentions on making this any longer than it is. It's too much pressure and I cannot commit to a full project at this time, however, if I do ever get the itch to add another part in the future I will. I do hope you all enjoy it. I do preface all my stuff by saying that I do not reread my work. If there is a typo or something doesn't make sense, you don't have to be an asshole about it, but let me know. I'm open to constructive criticism so do that as well. I look forward to reading all your comments so don't be shy and if you have any prompts you care to share leave those in the comments to or message me. I usually write my oneshots to songs and they go hand and hand. That wasn't the case for this one but if you have a song in mind let me have it. and big shout out to @sheislunaa for the new cover. if you aren't already following her you're doing a disservice to yourself. go change your life and check out her work.

It was quiet, quieter than usual when Zachary Taylor keyed into his home. Double checking the time on his watch, it was a little after noon, which could only mean one thing. Setting his keys down in the bowl on the table by the door, he placed his briefcase down and made his way up the stairs picking up a toy here and there along the way. He confirmed his suspicions when he reached his bedroom, allowing himself a moment to take it in. Posted up against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest he stared at his family cuddled up, sleeping in the center of his bed with a smile on his face. He considered himself blessed. He'd been dealt a rough hand in life and while he didn't come out the other side completely unscathed, he was indeed one of the lucky ones and considered himself blessed. He'd landed on his feet: gotten a job fresh out of prison, made some money and found the love of his life, all of which was a feat that not many ever accomplished. He had no representation of a healthy, loving relationship growing up and while they didn't always get it right the first time around, they always managed to make it right. He'd unknowingly become that for someone else. Not only that but he'd been able to right some of the wrongs of his past and create a family of his own. "Let's just say, God gave you a little extra grace." The words of his wife played in his head like a soundtrack when he found himself thinking what he did to ever deserve her and the life he was living.

The sight before him was something straight out of a lifetime movie. His beautiful and loving wife laid in her usual spot in the middle of the king-sized bed, her hair splayed across the pillows with his son curled up next to her in what used to be his spot. They'd fallen asleep facing each other like so many times before and her arm was protectively thrown across his middle while he held a deathly tight grip on her shirt. He couldn't pinpoint exactly when it started but Michael was completely enamored with Fatima and like his father, he clung to her like a second skin. Wherever she went, if permitted, he was sure to follow. The Taylor boys had found a home in Fatima Wilson turned Taylor and neither showed any inkling in letting up.

The same could be said for Fatima when it came to her boys. From the very first time she held Michael in her arms he was undoubtedly hers. She hadn't birthed him but that didn't mean a thing. Giving birth didn't make you a mother, just about anyone with the right anatomy could give birth, but being a mother was more than that. It was walking around with your heart outside of your chest. It was intentionally putting the life of someone else above your own and doing whatever it took to make sure they were loved and taken care of. That not only were their necessities met but that the wanted for nothing. She had done that. She'd been choosing him since the DNA results came back that Zachary Taylor was indeed the father. She'd been nurturing and loving, pouring into him and his father, all the love she could muster. As he watched them sleeping peacefully, he was immediately transported to the first night they'd brought him home after rescuing him from an unfortunate situation.

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