Back to Here

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I remember our old car... our parent's one. Probably the only thing we liked from them. Where we used to eat chips, at 6 years old. Where we invited our first buddies, where we could laugh all together while we were going to a funfaire or something like that. Where me and Lara bullied so much our parents to go buy icecream. We also sulked a lot here, to each other. Didn't last long, as our gazes met and we joined into a hug. Even later, at middle school. This fricking car helped us so much. It's just an object, but still, it's so dumb but I am clearly attached to it. And well I...


Aiden was sitting on the couch, looking at the wall, but most likely staring into nothing. I don't know what his dumb head was thinking about, but we have school soon and I didn't want to get late because of this idiot's fault.
I snapped my fingers infront of his face, and he blenched, as he was back to reality or something. He looked at me, with this one annoyed gaze that I love to see. He just stood up, taking his grey backpack from the floor, then looked at the clock.
"Hey- It's kind of early, why did you... uhm... wake me up if I can say that?
- Because we still have the bus and the walking to our new high school. We never know how much time it takes, so we need to be careful."
He yawned, and nodded, probably didn't want to mess with me.
We left the house, and he locked the door with his keys.
We were walking to the bus stop, and nobody was really talking. I was thinking about how the start of the school year would go, but I ignore what was his thoughts. I can't read minds, but I noticed that anxiety was growing in his look.
"What's going on?" I asked.
He coughed, caught off guard.
"Nothing nothing", he quickly answered.
"Come on, I know you for years, there must be something!" I added.
For a few seconds he looked away.
"You know... about high school... it's our first time and all, what if it goes wrong?
- Bro, you say that every single time we return back to school, there's no reasons it goes wrong.
- Yeah but we know nobody here...
- We knew nobody at middle school or primary school too, still we had great friends. We're not the first or the last ones who have their first time to school, so don't worry about it much," as I slightly bonked his head.
He held the part where I hit, then looked at me, a little smile on his face.
He is such an anxious *ss.

We were at bus stop, and I started hating our parents even more to not being able to say us: "Good luck!" or "Have a nice time at school!" or just, JUST accompany us.
As we were waiting for the bus, I sighed. It's not their fault. Well, not completely. But I just wish we would be closer sometimes. Maybe we wouldn't behave like we do, maybe we would have been better persons.
I looked at my brother.
Nevermind. I love the way we are.

The bus arrived, and both of us entered in.
There was many people, talking or just screaming, creating a big noisy atmosphere all over the vehicle.
Aiden, uncomfortable, just stayed here, trying to stay discreet as much as possible. His high height didn't help at all.
Haha, I wasn't a part of these shy ones who try to stay in the corner, hoping that nobody notice them. All of these persons were young, so we were all going to the same high school logically. It was tomime to socialize.
I walked in the sort of corridor, seeing an alone seat where I could sit and maybe try to talk with someone. I spotted one, and as I came here, I saw a boy sitting next to it. He was looking by the windows, dreamy look in his eyes. He has tan-skin, dark brown curly hair, and grey eyes, which was, in my opinion, a BIG green flag. I love trying to keep eye-contact with people with clear color eyes.
"Can I sit here?" I asked him, trying to not sound hostile.
He looked at me, and nodded, with a soft smile on his face.
"You go to the High School ****** too, right?" He asked back.
Finally. Oh my god. Someone who actually tries to start the conversation.
"Yep, of course! I guess that you too?
- That's right!" he nodded.
Shit, we were out of topics now.
"...What's your favorite taste of music?"
Goddamn, in these sort of situations I always say the most dumbest sh*t that anyone could hear.
He stayed silent, staring into my eyes, the most awkward seconds of my life, then laughed.
I don't know if he was mocking me, or if he just found me funny.
"I LOVE Mindless Self Indulgence, like not the group but their music is just so fire!
- YOU DO TOO? Oh my lord, I waited my whole life for this!" I said, really glad to meet someone finally with the same music tastes as me.

The conversation went pretty well, as we talked about music, then took a turn a bit to favorite colour or favorite animal, then, I think you noticed, we got along pretty well.
"Hey, now here's the question I needed to ask: what's your name?
- My name is Lara, what about yours?
- Such pretty name, Lara. Mine is Caleb."
I held a giggle.
"Nice to meet you Caleb.
- Nice to meet you Lara."
It was going so so great.

The bus stopped, and we knew that we arrived. Everyone went out of the bus, and we were ready to start the day of school. The building was huge, and I pretty got disconcerted as I saw all of the levels, keeping up and up and up. Aiden walked and arrived next to me, still apparently not used to the amount of people here. He saw Caleb next to me, and waved at him. Caleb waved back joyfully, and my brother smiled.
I got relieved, normally, when I make my brother meet my friends and him, it never goes very well. If this time we can spend time together, these school years will be awesome.
The bell ringed, and we all entered the building, curious of our classes and of our planning.
I looked at all of the papers hanged on the walls, telling all of our classes.
First new: I was with Caleb, so atleast I knew someone here.
We did the high five, happy to spend the year togther.
Aiden grinned, as he saw that he was with a class full of strangers. I felt bad for him. He wasn't the best at making friends, and usually it's more people coming to him. Well, I wasn't that much worried, I'm sure he will get friends easily and quickly.
Aiden turned to me and Caleb.
"Well- uhm, this is awkward. I'm glad you two got into the same class though!
- Don't worry dude, there's atleast one good person in all of this people, you'll get along with your new class" comforted Caleb, still with his joyful face.
Aiden smiled back, trying to forget his anxiety probably.
With Caleb, we went to our classroom, at the level 2. Aiden's one was at level 3, so we followed him until we got to our stop.
We said goodbye to him, and entered the classroom.

Our principal teacher was the biology's one, a short women with glasses, black haired. She looked pretty cool and nice, and explained us how the high school's life was going.
She gave us our planners, and I grinned.
What the hell was this sh*tty planner. Anyway, Caleb rolled up eyes, muttering something like "Great damn bruh". I held a laugh.

Surprisingly, the hour passed very quickly, and as the bell ringed, our teacher wished us good luck. We all said thank you ma'am. While this hour, I kinda observed everyone in our class, making theories and headcanons about them. Here's some of them:
There's a girl named Elif who is kind of the popular girl and stuff in class. She looks very superficial and stuff, but in fact, I'm kind of sure she is pretty sweet when we get to know her. I also made a theory where she has daddy issues. I need to stop giving angst to every fucking person I see...
Anyway, there's also a person named Evan who looks pretty strange, the weirdo of our class. People laughed at him whenever he told a thing, but I bet he is just so smart we can't understand him. I love talking to new people, even if they act oddly.

Well, others don't look as interesting as they do. It's either makeup attention seeker girls, either sigma football skibidop dop dop boys. Would be a waste of time to get to know them.

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