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After what happened that morning, things pursuived like everything was normal. It was quite weird.
Everyone was talking about the fight in the hallways between two freshmen the morning, and the afternoon, it was like nobody never knew them.
Well, it was kind of true. People can talk, gossip, but they don't even know what is really going on in reality.

Anyway, with Caleb, we followed Aiden, who wasn't saying a word. Understanble.
He kept it quiet, until we reached his maths class.
I tried to wish him good luck, but I couldn't. The words were stuck in my throat. Due to pity? Feeling so sorry? I don't know.
And even, I think that if I told something, he would have ignored me. He went into his classroom, and didn't even turn back.
With Caleb, we exchanged a worried gaze, and walked away, straight forward to the history class.
To be honest... I'm now wondering who was the person that attacked my bro. He seemed to be in his class. What a jerkass.
Doing such drama for a girl that didn't even look offended, it's just so fucking ridiculous.
I hope he dies.

I looked up, we were in history.
The rest of the day was pretty boring. I always expected high school as something new, exciting, to change from the boeing routine of middle school. But I was clearly wrong. It's the same process, with just different place, and some school subjects changing.
Today, despite the boring usual train-train, we experienced for the first time philosophy class.
Many of the students in our class sighed multiple times while the hour, but I was just so focused. I thought philosophy was a boring subject, I was wrong. It is really interesting. It changes the way we think, the way we live, and forces us to just reconsider everything we see.
The teacher was passionate, didn't hesitate to explain us things we didn't understand, and was really invested. She is also such a kind heart. I swear, she was really making a good impression to my favorite teachers rank for the moment.

Anyway, except that, nothing special, as I said.
When school ended, all the students ran out of the building, screaming their joy, their joy of finishing the first day of highschool (and also, mostly, their joy of being still alive, survived school...). With Caleb, we agreed to make a fist bump everytimes school ends. We started today, and we had to retry multiple times again since I use my left hand for everything. We laughed much. He asked me if I had anything new about Aiden, and I nodded.

Aiden was out of the school, waiting for me. I was kinda surprised that he wasn't too upset to wait for me, especially when he knows that I'm the first to annoy him.
He gave me a sad smile, and my awkwardness came again, coming into my throat and snuggled.
Couldn't talk. Didn't.
Since Caleb's dad went to pick him at high school, it was only the two of us in the bus. There were fewer people than when we first arrived. There were some girls talking, a random guy listening to music. It was kind of weird, a really different vibe than this morning. Except the noises of blah-blah in background, it was really quiet. I was glad though. That's what needed Aiden, probably, in the moment.
I went in the back of the bus, and took a seat. Probably the best place to relax and chill. I took out my earphones, and put on this dear music that always helped me through the hard moments.
I always liked metal.

The traject from school to home was way faster than I expected. Time goes fast, or it was just the bus driver that was scared of the darkness. I don't know.
When me and my bro went out of the vehicle, the sky was dark and covered in shining stars. It was a pretty show.
Aiden took out his phone and took some pictures.
He always liked photography, and he even has an Instagram account where he posts some of these occasionally.
First and proud follower.

He looks a bit calmer than a few hours ago.
That's a good thing... I guessed?
We walked the way long the traject back to home. No one said a thing.
When we entered the house, he let out a long deep breath, as he lost a heavy weight on his shoulder.
"I guess our dear sweet beloved parents won't come back home until midnight, like usual. What should we get for dinner?" He asked.
"Maybe you can do some pasta? You know my cooking skills" I replied, kinda glad that what happened didn't make our relation colder.
He nodded, and went to kitchen.
It was time to annoy him while he's cooking, also like usual.
When he was done, he proposed to continue our Netflix serie while eating. I agreed, awesome idea, perfect to distract our mind.
And since there was no homeworks, because it was the first day, we didn't have to worry about school.
It was really cool. We forgot what happened, and prayed that the next day would be better.
We watched some episodes, and went to bed at like 10pm.

His pastas are the best food we could ask for.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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