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I know this is a bit cringe, sorry. I will definitely make a part two but I just wanted to kinda go into a bit of what Y/Ns life is like. Also Y/n can be any gender but more suited to female. If you want me to make a part where Y/N is a specific gender pls let me know. Ik this part is really short . 614 words.
I woke up early and I had to pull myself out of bed. I wanted to study before I left for school as the teachers are really strict.I got a boiling shower, I changed into clean clothes and got ready for school  and I started my study. My mother and father came down, my mother started making breakfast, it's a surprise everyday and my father was getting ready for his new job. 'Y/N do me a favour and bring the car to DX after school and get the oil filter sorted'. I of course had to say yes, it wasn't even choice. After I finished eating I left for school.

When I got to school, I met up with my friends, Aurora and Willow. We weren't greasers but we weren't socs. We definitely werent rich so you could call us poor, ig that makes us more like greasers. The socs would sometimes jump us because they didn't know where we belonged. We chatted while studying. Then came first 2 classes. They were actually quite boring. There was 6 classes per school day, that means there was plenty of work to do

Me and my friends were walking home when we noticed the blue mustang parked outside a field. We didn't take note of it at first because it was normal. As we got closer we heard the sound of someone being hit and someone tryna scream. I ran towards the socs I wanted to help that poor boy. The boy looked like a lost dog in a crowd of strangers that has been kicked one too many times. I felt really bad, I managed to push Bob off of him and I quickly grabbed the knife that had fallen from the boys pocket. I standed infront of the boy holding the knife out 'GO AWAY' I threatened them by chasing them away with the knife. They rushed back into their fancy car and drove away.

I quickly ran up to the boy looking at his cuts. 'Hey, it's okay now, you're safe, What's your name?' 'Johnny he responded with 'What's your name' 'Y/N'
He seemed really jumpy as if he had experienced someone hitting him before. 'Is there anywhere safe you can go?' He told us the name of his friends house and we walked him there. When we got in the house no one was there so I got a first aid kit and started cleaning his cut. 'Thank you' he winced. He told us his friends would be here soon because they are at work and school. I wanted to wait around to make sure he was safe. In the mean time I went to kitchen to try to make him something to eat. I looked in the fridge and there was a lot of bottles of beer, bottles of beers were all over the house, I wonder if one of his friends are an alcoholic. I also see chocolate cake but it's not the best for someone who lookes like he is half dead. I make a scrambled egg and give it to him. He eats it so fast I thought he was actually gonna choke on it. He acted as if he hasn't been fed in awhile.

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