Part 6: Making Time for God - Seek His Presence

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In this chapter, I want to share how seeking God has transformed me and why it's crucial to make time for God.

Think about the intensity of dating someone. You would give up anything for them, even if it meant sacrificing school or work. Love drove you to do things you didn't even enjoy, all for the sake of the relationship.

But why is it that we struggle to make sacrifices for God? Why are we always too busy to pray? It's because our faith lacks depth. Our belief in Him is not genuine. Imagine if we could witness God's miracles in our lives. We would be on our knees, knowing we would instantly benefit from His presence. Just like a poor person seeking help from a generous benefactor, we would approach God frequently, taking full advantage of His kindness. So why don't we do the same with God, our Savior? (I pondered these questions myself.)

What keeps us so occupied that we can't seek God? Maybe we're too busy to read the Bible or avoid knowing His words. But did you know that our spirits are nourished by God's words? If we neglect them, we leave ourselves vulnerable to temptation, lacking the strength to overcome.

Yes, we're all busy, but within those 24 hours, we have spare time. Yet, we often find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through social media. Let's challenge ourselves. Log out of social media, spend less time messaging others, and see how much time we actually have. Use that time to seek God for one month or until it becomes a habit before logging back in. And hey, you can even use social media to seek God (spread His message). Make God the center of everything, even when you engage in activities like beauty, dance, or vlogging.

Some say spreading God's words isn't obligatory. But let me tell you, it's crucial. Read chapter five of my book and you'll understand why.

Let's take God seriously. This isn't a game or a fairy tale. The end could come at any time. Will you be saved? Will you make it to heaven? Will Jesus tell you to depart because He never knew you? Do you truly pray, not just reciting words? Do you talk to God? Reflect deeply. This is for you, not for me. I gain nothing if you're saved through my message.

I admire Paul's straightforwardness and how he conveys God's message without sugarcoating. It makes me realize that this is the real deal—the past, the present, and the future. Ask yourself those questions.

When I discovered the power of talking to God, it was incredible. I started attending church more than just on Sundays, even when I used to be too busy. There was one Sunday when I missed mass. The guilt I felt was overwhelming. I prayed, apologized, and promised to attend church every day the following week. I desperately wanted to go back in time and attend that missed mass. To my surprise, my aunt told me about a 5 pm mass that day. Have you ever been so happy about attending mass? The joy within me was indescribable. When you genuinely seek God, nobody needs to force you to pray or go to His house for worship. The guilt you feel when you miss your prayer routine or group prayer is profound. I encourage you to seek our Heavenly Father genuinely and with great intensity. Once you experience what He does in your life, you'll never turn back.

Now, let's pray together:

"Father, please forgive me. I surrender to You and seek Your guidance. Show me the right path and help me resist temptation. I promise to seek You always. Today, I release my worries and fears, trusting that You are in control and will provide for me. Grant me rest and comfort in Your embrace, and help me trust that You will lead me in the right direction. Guide my steps and open doors of opportunity according to Your plan.

Thank You for Your unwavering love and faithfulness, dear God. May Your name be glorified in all I do, and may my life be a testimony of Your goodness and grace. I pray these things in Your holy name. Amen."

Remember, Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray continually." Keep seeking God sincerely, and He will always be there for you.

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