Part 8: Revelations

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Hey fam, I'm really sorry for my prolonged absence🥹, but I've been on a remarkable journey filled with challenges, testimonies, and profound revelations from the Almighty God. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, but I've come to embrace the beauty of this diverse and transformative experience. I've even found a strange affection for the confusion that often accompanies seeking God.

You won't believe the extraordinary events that have unfolded in my life recently. However, at this moment, I'm unable to disclose all the details for I can't explain. What I can tell you is that God has graciously unveiled numerous revelations to me.

From the very beginning of my quest to seek God, my prayers have been filled with a mixture of eagerness and uncertainty. I would often find myself whispering, "Dear God, I'm just starting to grasp these emotions and desires to serve You, but I lack clarity on what steps to take or how to navigate this path. Please,  lead me."

And let me tell you, my dear friends, the revelations that God has bestowed upon me are beyond human comprehension. It's an extraordinary privilege that is granted to those who willingly follow Him, His sheep. Are you his sheep ?
Do you seek him?
This revelation is not exclusive to me or a select group of individuals; it is available to all who earnestly seek God.

It's astonishing to consider that this revelation, which all of humanity yearns for, is already accessible to us. Regrettably, most people remain unaware of its existence. This divine unveiling has been shared with those who came before me and will continue to be shared with those who come after me. The common thread among us is our unwavering commitment to seeking God.

We must recognize that the end is far closer than we can fathom. Therefore, it is imperative that we wholeheartedly devote ourselves to seeking God. Embrace this revelation, my friends, for it has the power to guide us away from repeating past mistakes and into a future filled with divine wisdom and purpose.

Remember, I am not exceptional in receiving this revelation. Countless others have encountered it before me, and countless more will follow. The key factor that unites us is our sincere desire to seek God, to pursue a deeper connection with the Divine.

In the midst of our busy lives and the distractions that surround us, it's easy to lose sight of the urgency to seek God. But we must remain steadfast and resolute in our pursuit. We must prioritize spending time in prayer, even if it's just five minutes, for those precious moments of communion with the Almighty can extend into hours of spiritual enrichment.

As we embark on this transformative journey, let us take solace in the words of Jeremiah 29:13, where it is written, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." And let us also remember the words of Matthew 7:7, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

So, my dear friends, let's dive deeper into the depths of our spiritual quest. Let's seek God with unwavering determination and wholehearted devotion. In doing so, we will come to know the incredible power that lies within this revelation, the power to transform our lives and bring us closer to the Divine. 🙏❤️🕊️

1 more thing please read "REVELATIONS".
If you don't understand a verse feel free to ask me 🤍.

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