The prologue

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~The story of Blair Whitlock, Faye Laurier, Farrah Madden, Scarlett Barlowe~

The four girls met in high school and quickly bonded over their shared love of mythology and fantasy. They were all drawn to the idea of Magical girls, myths, fairytales and as they got closer they began to give each other nicknames based on their favorites.

Blair Whitlock, Ivory tone skin, lime green eyes with a Delicate, poised and regal personality, became known as "The Goddess,". She was a bubbly and sweet girl who loved Fairy Tales, always dreamed of having a happily ever after with a sweet, brave man.

Faye Laurier, Almond tone skin, Navy blue eyes. She admires, loves the ocean as it's always her comfort zone to just vibe, smile and to collect shells with her friends. Faye also has a free-spirited, nurturing personality; she was then dubbed as "The Mermaid".

Farrah Madden, Tan skin, Gray eyes, is always playful and whimsical, Ecstatic which earned her the nickname "The Fairy,". She also enjoyed singing, songwriting and of course she loves musicals, acting, which she finds comfort in.

Scarlett Barlowe, honey toned skin, black eyes and she is fiercely independent and ambitious, so she was called "The Dragon." She is very sporty, loves being competitive. You'll catch her playing Mortal Kombat or you'll find her at the gym, training.

One day, while exploring an old antique shop, the girls stumbled upon a set of ancient artifacts. Each artifact was a staff with a unique design that seemed to match the personality of one of the girls. Intrigued, they each picked up a staff and were immediately transported to a magical realm where they discovered that the artifacts had given them incredible powers. They each found themselves transformed into a spirit form that matched their nickname, with abilities that reflected their personality.

The Goddess found that she was imbued with incredible strength and wisdom, and could command the elements to do her bidding. The Mermaid discovered that she could breathe underwater and communicate with sea creatures, and had an uncanny ability to predict the weather. The Fairy found that she could fly and control the forces of nature, and had an innate talent for healing. The Dragon found that she could breathe fire and fly, and had an almost supernatural ability to sense danger.

Over the years, the girls continued to hone their powers and use them to help others. Then one day while adventuring, they found an abandoned home in the woods. As they walked inside, that's the moment when their story began.

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