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• W.O.W •

There Winne and Delilah stood with shock and worry on their faces as they examined the book.

They immediately came to the conclusion with the book's content.

“Our siblings are in a cult?!” Winnie exclaimed.

“Calm down, Winnie," Delilah sighed.

“We're still not sure, but it would seem they used this very spell to transport themselves to that world where a prince wants to meet Blair.”

Winnie groaned, furrowing his brows in frustration.

“Dammit! And here I thought I was going to have a normal non-telenovela life,”

Delilah smiled sheepishly, patting his shoulder. “No time to moan and groan about it honey!! Pack the KFC, a pocket knife. We're going to find and rescue the girls.”

Winnie nodded and quickly packed, Delilah and Winnie then went to recite the spell, which Winnie gracefully led.

"Water and roses
They grow together
Come with me
Be the moonlight to my sunlight
You'll shine, glow
And I'll hurt, love."

Immediately, the pair noticed their bodies were effortlessly levitating off the floor. “W-what's happening?!”

“A movie montage?!” Winnie spoke, slightly panicked.

Within seconds, Delilah and Winnie disappeared, entered a outfit sequence

As the duo descended from the sky, their outfit illuminated and before you knew it, they were in completely different looks.

Winnie wore a lacy top with flowy oversized sleeves; satin mint pants with a fur trim and bunny slippers. His gorgeous hair grew mint green streaks which mixed perfectly in his blonde curls. He also wore a pearl necklace and earrings.

Delilah wore a pretty teal Hollywood robe with stunning feather detailing. Underneath the robe was a mini dress; white stockings paired with some stilettos and teal gel nail set on her hands. Her luxurious Caramel colored hair was curled, styled with an eye mask which rested on her head.

Immediately, the pair landed gracefully on their feet and without a scratch.

They arrived in a different location. It was a pretty candy-like kingdom. The place had a color palette similar to those carnival animal crackers. There was pink and white decor adorning the kingdom’s entrance with these beautiful bubblegum balloons.

“What in the Barbie world?!” Winnie stammered in utter confusion.

“Oh my gosh! Just look at our outfits! I feel like a freaking celebrity!!” Delilah rejoiced.

As Delilah lived in the moment, Winnie knew Delilah was doing her best to cover up the fact she was scared after their safety and worried about the girls.

“Come on!! Let's gather as much information as possible,”

Winnie smiles, leading the way into the kingdom that is lit up by its bright colors, stood out by the bright moon that shined above. Inside, there were many crowded stores and vendors outside selling all sorts of delicious sweets. As the duo made their way through the crowd, Winnie lost his footing and bumped into a vendor, Susanne Gumdrop.

“Dammit!! I'm so sorry!!”

Winnie apologized, bowing his head profusely.

“Don’t worry, sweetie pie! It's alright.” Susanne chuckled.

“I haven't seen you two around these parts before, are you new in town?”

Delilah smiled, replied

“We are actually tourists. We're looking for our friends. We lost sight of them a couple minutes ago.”

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