Drowsy Mornings

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Colby wasn't a stranger to physical touch. Although he'd grown up in Kansas, after moving to LA, it was a common experience for people to shove and bump into him. In parties and bars he was usually pressed to at least two people from lack of space. It wasn't weird, simply because it was so common. At meet and greets, he'd hug fans, shake hands and overall have his personal space violated, but having an obsessed fanbase, it came with the territory.

However, there was one person who's touch meant much more. Sam Golbach's. As Sam lay strewn across his chest, blonde hair mussed around and their legs tangled up in his sheets, Colby realized just how touch starved he had been. For Sam specifically. Colby had woken up to Sam in his bed, no memory of how he got there. Sam had likely crept in at some point in the night. A stream of sunlight illuminated one side of Sam's face, the other half was squished cutely against Colby's chest, mouth slightly open with the tip of Sam's pink tongue poking out. 

'This must be what people like about weighted blankets,' though Colby, as Sam's weight forced his muscles to relax. It wasn't although the two weren't typically affectionate, Sam was always thinking of Colby, and Colby was the same with Sam. Sam always brought cups of sugary starbucks coffee when Colby was editing, and made sure to throw Colby's washing in with his own. 

Colby frequently delivered postmates directly to Sam's door, aware of how often the blonde forgot to eat, and made music playlists for Sam's runs. It was initiatives such as these that had allowed them to live so close together for so long, typical niceties that made them need each other.

No need to wake him up. Thought Colby as he watched Sam's head rise and fall with the movement of Colby's breathing, wisps of blond hair floating around with every exhale.

Now Sam was drooling on his chest, still out cold. Colby rubbed his back lightly, he could feel all of Sam's bones through his shirt. Tracing his ribs with one hand, Colby reached up to brush hair off Sam's forehead, hand lingering on the back of Sam's skull. Carefully, as to not wake him up, Colby leant up and planted a gentle kiss of Sam's forehead. Sam hummed, smiling without opening his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Colby asked quietly.

"Been awake." Replied Sam

"Just choosing to drool on me?"

"Mmhm" said Sam, wiping the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, "Didn't want to disturb you."

Colby stretched his body out, Sam lurching on top of him. Colby placed a hand of Sam's back to keep him close. Sam looked up at Colby before sighing contentedly and burying his face in Colby's chest.

"Should we get up?" asked Colby

"Don't even dare." Said Sam

"Works for me." Colby said, mostly to himself before riding up the back of Sam's shirt and rubbing circles into the pale skin there. Sam practically purred in pleasure.

The two laid there in peace, watching the sun rise higher and higher in the sky, the both of them drifting in and out of sleep.

"This is perfect." mumbled Sam in a sleep drunk voice.

"Yeah." replied Colby, "this is perfect."

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