Chapter 1

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The Haunting of Hasting's House

Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 1

The sky was heavy with rain and, from the looks of it, would deliver at any moment. Emily hurried across the parking lot to the real estate office, and the bell above the glass door chimed above her as she entered the peaceful, air-conditioned interior of the office. Emily was thankful she arrived inside when she did because the sky opened with a torrential downpour just a few seconds after she had.

Emily stood there, watching the raindrops pelt against the glass windows. She could not believe how quickly the weather had turned. She turned to the receptionist, who was staring at her amusedly.

"Looks like you made it just in time," the receptionist chuckled.

Emily smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, it's coming down out there."

The receptionist nodded. "It's been like this all week. I'm ready for some sunshine."

Emily laughed. "Me too. I am here to meet Amori Black about a property she wanted to discuss with me. Do you know if she is available?"
The receptionist nodded. "Amori's in her office. I will let her know you are here. Just take a seat in the waiting area."

Emily thanked her and made her way to the seating area. She could not help but feel nervous. Emily saw a mirror above a leather couch, smoothed down her wavy red hair, and pinched her ivory cheeks for some color. She heard a door open in the back of the office, and a high-pitched feminine laugh came from the hallway. She plastered a smile as her high school friend from years ago appeared around the corner.
Emily saw Amori approach her with open arms, ready to embrace her old friend. She forced a smile and hugged her back, trying to ignore the feelings of inadequacy that washed over her. They parted, and Amori looked at her with a delighted expression. "Why Emily Buchanan!" "If you aren't a sight for sore eyes!" Amori exclaimed.

They both sat on the couch, and Emily felt Amori's piercing blue eyes. She shifted uncomfortably under the gaze, feeling self-conscious.

"So, Emily, I have a proposition for you that I think would be perfect for you," Amori said, handing her a folder. "It's an old mansion on the outskirts of town." The former caretakers returned to their state to be with the grandkids two weeks ago."

Amori Black was the pretty local realtor who gushed sweetness and southern hospitality. She was tall and imposing with platinum blond hair in a high ponytail that showed off her gorgeous cheekbones, and her full lips were painted a Knock Em Dead Red that revealed that showstopper high-wattage smile. Emily cringed under her scrutiny of her. She visibly shrunk in posture at Amori's perfection compared to her mousy, plain appearance.

Amori grabbed Emily softly around her shoulders and pulled her to her. One of her long red nails brushed hard against the side of her neck, and Emily winced, but she did not draw away. Emily accepted the hug. Amori smelled like Coach Floral. It was a fragrance that she had worn since Emily knew her in grade school. It smelled great. It was then that Emily felt it -- the bump. Amori was pregnant. She glowed in an intelligent cherry-red pantsuit that hugged her tightly
"God...why did I come here?" Emily thought silently. It was a mistake to come here. Amori wore a white satin blouse unbuttoned halfway, showing smooth, tanned skin and cleavage. Her baby bump stuck out prettily. She was announcing its impending arrival in what Emily guessed to be maybe a few more months. She stilled and ended the hug. Amori's smile faded for just a moment but then returned brilliantly as before. "I am sorry, Ems. I was not thinking. I am so sorry." Amori apologized. Now, Emily felt very awkward, and she just wanted to leave. Amori touched her on the small of her back with her hand.

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