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i have spent this past month using my announcement board to supply updates on gaza that i search for and more statements. here are those resources so you yourself can learn whats happening now.

- a palestinian photographer and journalist in gaza who posts many photos and videos of updates in gaza

- amazing palestinian organization with many updates

- palestinian activist who posts daily stories

- journalist located in gaza with updates

- palestinian photographer

- palestinian doctor located in gaza

- palestinian photographer

- palestinian activist

- palestinian and arab women organized for advocating for palestine

- palestinian photographer

- updates on gaza and shares palestinian culture


comment more you have here

- daily/nightly updates on gaza + more

- influencer/educator on palestine

- posts awareness for gaza

- posts awareness for gaza

- posts awareness for gaza


comment more you have here


comment more you have here

i'm unsure of much telegrams except for one.
download the telegram app or use safari/google to access it online.

these telegrams are constant updates on gaza, the west bank, israeli government updates, UN updates, etc;
via telegram search up:
• resistance news network
• al aqsa voice
• palestineresist

visit @praxisredacted on tiktok (1st pinned video) to see instructions on telegram

you can find articles as well  —  but we all know mainstream media and news is all propoganda. be careful what you look at.

freeing palestine.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora