Vol 1. Who's there?

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Once upon a time, In a "Riverford village" there was a Boy named Leo. he's one of the other villagers and lives with his grandmother, Every day his job is to look for food and always look after his grandmother. His grandmother is not very old but he still looks after her with all his heart. And when he has free time, he spends his time practicing archery because he likes archery.

One night, He went out of his village, into the forest to look for firewood and he was used to it.

"Hmm... Looks like this is enough for me to take home...", Leo sighs in tiredness but proud of himself and he begins walking back home with a large bag of wooden branches.

He walked in the silent and dark night... With the lantern he was carrying, the light began to fade... The night was getting more and more tense. Leo looked around because he felt like someone was spying on him and Leo was still walking towards his house... But there was something unexpected.

Suddenly, There was a spear flying quickly towards him, Leo had time to dodge because of the sound of the spear, but the spear had scratched his shoulder and caused a wound, and finally the spear was stuck in a tree, he closed the wound with his hand And very curious who did it.

"Who's there!?" Yelled Leo "Show yourself if you're not a coward!" He said boldly as he prepared his bow and arrow that he brought to protect himself

The figure appeared from the darkness, it was a young warrior wearing his blue warrior costume, he smirked at Leo*

"Well I see you're quite bold to go at night..." Said the young warrior as he took his spear back from the tree

Leo lowered guard because he knew the characteristics of the warrior he knew and dreamed of all this time

"You... You are one of the warriors from the Arlesburgh kingdom?" Ask Leo

"yes I am, I'm Amarugash, you can call me Amaru" Amaru smirks and extended his hand to Leo for a handshake

"Oh... I'm Leonard Larsson, you can call me Leo..." Leo takes Amaru's hand and wonders why Amaru attacks him

"Why did you attack me earlier?" Ask Leo

"Oh my bad- It was just a little prank" Amaru chuckled slightly "I just want to stop you in a surprise way"

"Hmp- you don't have to attack me too-" Leo protested slightly

"Hehe sorry-" amaru Apologize

Amaru starts to heal Leo's shoulder with his power some of like magic, Leo looks in amazement but still keeps silent because he didn't want to disturb Amaru that heals him, after that, Amaru finished heals Leo

"There you go" said Amaru as he takes off his hand from Leo's shoulder

"Thanks I suppose!-" Leo smiled and started to confuse why Amaru stopped him

"Amaru, why did you stop me?" Leo ask

"Oh that, honestly I came here to tell you Leo, I was looking for you because the kingdom asked me to" Explain Amaru

Leo is more confused "Why did they?" He asked in wonder

Amaru pat and put his hand on Leo's shoulder, "Because Leo... You're the chosen one..."

"THE CHOSEN ONE!?" leo looks surprised

----To be continued----

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