Vol 2. A trustworthy

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The story continues as Leo is surprised to hear that he was chosen, but for what?

"The chosen one?... What do you mean?" Ask Leo

Amaru turned around and stepped forward a bit "The chosen one, Leo... You were chosen to be one of our warriors... We need a little extra to expand and strengthen our strategy" explains Amaru

"Why must it be me?" Ask Leo

Amaru looks at Leo again and turns around "Because Leo, I know you are a suitable young warrior for us. I've seen that you're quite clever and good at archery, and that's what we need."

"So you've been spying on me while I was practicing archery!?" Leo asked in surprise

"Hehe well I'm sorry for spying you all the time, not all but just when you're practicing. I admit! You are very good and great at archery Leo!" Amaru encouraged Leo

"Oh that's nothing hehe-" Leo said in shy, "So that means I can be part of you guys now?" Leo asked confidently

And there was a long silence... Leo's self-confidence decreases even more when Amaru hasn't answered Leo's question.

After that, Amaru answered honestly "Hmmm... Not now..."

"Wha- what!?-" Leo was surprised because he couldn't become a warrior yet "wh- why?, you said I will..."

Amaru looks seriously "well Leo, You have to show me directly that you are worthy to be a Warrior"

"But you said you saw me training well and great!" Leo protested and was more confused

Amaru points his spear to Leo's chest "Not that way... You have to fight with me if you're trustworthy!"

Leo thought for a moment that if he could win against the young warriors he faced, he could become one of them. But also if he loses, he won't be accepted yet.

Amaru was confused as to why he was thinking for so long and he smirked "Are you scared to accept my challenge, Leo?" He teased Leo as He's lowering his spear

Leo was surprised by the word and a little angry "No I'm not! I will accept your challenge! I'm not a coward cats!" Leo readied his bow and arrows

Amaru's smirk gets wider "That's a spirit..."

Without a warning... Amaru charges his spear to Leo! but Leo immediately dodges and starts shooting arrows at Amaru. With his abilities, Amaru blocked Leo's attack with his spear and swung his spear at Leo to attack Leo, Leo dodge and continues to shoot Amaru with his arrows

The fight became more intense, both of them attacked each other mercilessly. But in the end... Leo fell with several wounds on his body, Leo crouched down in slight pain on his arms and chest, Amaru looked at him with disappointment

"Well I think you're strong, Leo... But it was wrong..." Amaru said coldly

Leo looks up at Amaru with anger and still holds his chest, he can't let out of words but panting in tiredness and pain.

Amaru smirked "Heh. What pathetic. It would be bad if you were one of us, you might have died first"

By Amaru's words, Leo gets annoyed and gets angry "This is just warming up..."

"Warning up heh? Stop being silly, I'm just defeated you..." Amaru gets annoyed and turns around

With those words, Leo became even more angry and annoyed. He stood up slowly and took out his bow slowly

"I'll show you if I'm stronger than you!" Leo swiftly surrounded Amaru and shot a number of arrows at Amaru, Amaru of course also blocked the arrows.

With that, Leo's plan worked and he jumped to the tree and double jumped to the air, and shot Amaru with 3 arrows 2 times. Amaru is shocked and can't block them at the same time, One of the arrows stuck into Amaru's arm

Leo landed in front of him and Amaru fell in front of him, Amaru endured the intense pain in his arm.

"Now, who's the strongest here..." Leo said coldly

Amaru looks up at Leo in anger but can't do anything, he tries to pull the arrow that stuck on his arm

"Okay! I admit... I'm sorry for being rude and misunderstanding you... You're so great..." Amaru still looks up at him in regretful

Leo looks down at him, Also looking sorry for Amaru "here, let me help you..."

he helped pull out the arrow stuck in Amaru's arm, and let Amaru heal his own wound. Amaru looks guilty "I'm sorry Leo... For making you angry..."

"It's alright Amaru... I also apologize for hurting you..." Leo seems guilty too

Amaru smiles slightly "no no that's okay... You just want to prove yourself if you're not a coward, I'm proud of you!" He patted his chest as a gesture of pride towards Leo

"thanks Amaru..." Leo looks proud of himself.

"Ekhm-... Well Leo, you're just proofing yourself if you're trustworthy, are you willing to be a warrior of the arlesburgh kingdom for now?" Amaru offered

Leo thinks for a moment "Does that mean I have to leave anything at home or my hometown?, including my grandmother?"

"Yes Leo, you have, I know this is hard but this is also a requirement for it" Amaru answered

Amaru thinks again... He looks a bit sad that he must leave everything behind to be a warrior, Including things he loves, friends, family, and other villagers.

"Well Amaru... Can you give me time for that?"

Amaru thinks "Hmm... Alright, Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be around here again to see you if you're ready."

Leo looks sad if that is too short for ready, but no choice. "Okay... I'll be right here tomorrow afternoon"

Amaru smirks "good, now you can leave, I think your grandmother will be worried about you"

"Ahh yes... I've been here with you for a long time..." Leo sighs and picks up the large bag of wooden branches again "I have not many times again I think, it's getting late, well see you tomorrow"

Amaru nods "see ya too" he walks away to continue his patrol and disappears in depth of the dark forest.

Leo sighed and started to continue to walk into his home with the bag, Archer's tool, and lantren.

---- To be continued ----

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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