Meet the characters!

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Taylor Evans
16 years old
Goes to Mayfield High school
Plays for the volleyball team
Has an older brother named Travis and a younger brother named Matt
Story from her point of view)

Travis Evans
17 years old
Goes to Mayfield High school
Plays for the basketball team
Taylor's older brother

Matt Evans
10 years old
Goes to Mayfield Elementary school
Taylor and Travis's younger brother
Plays Soccer

Alex Shaw
17 years old
Goes to Mayfield High School
Best friends with Travis Evans
Also plays on the basketball team

Emma Stevens
16 years old
Goes to Mayfield High school
Plays on the volleyball team
Best friends with Taylor

Taylor, Travis and Matt's parents
Chris Evans and Mary Evans

Alex's dad
Frank Shaw

Alex's Mum:
Cheryl Good (Shaw)

Alex's Step-dad:
Peter Good

Alex's step brother:
Garrett Good

Coach of Volleyball team:
Coach Avery

Coach of Basketball team:
Coach Shaw (Alex's dad"

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