Chapter 5

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Beth's POV
Daryl jumped in the pond with me and backed me into a corner and did something I never thought would happen. He kissed me. His lips connected with mine and at first I was caught off guard but then I moved my lips along with his. It felt so amazing. He put one hand on my cheek and the other on my waste and deepened the kiss. Suddenly he pulled away and ended it all too soon.

"Sorry Beth." He said.

"Wait no, don't be, it's ok-"

"No! Would you just shut up!? Gosh, you're like a fricking walking chick flick. Goddamn!" He shouted and I felt my heart shatter.

"You're a jerk!" I yelled and got out of the water. I grabbed my clothes not even bothering to put them on 'cause I'm too wet right now anyway.

"Where you goin'!?" He yelled.

"As far away from you as I can get!!" I said as tears ran down my face. I made my way out and started walking on the highway. Once I was dry and realized I was only in my bra and panties, I stopped for a second to put on my clothes. As I put on my last shoe I fell to the ground crying. I sat on the side of the ride crying. He ruined such a perfect moment by being a jerk! This happened sometimes. There have been times before where we've gotten close with personal, physical contact such as we hugged for a long period of time, or I'd make him smile really big and comment on how happy he is, stuff like that and he'd just switch. He'd start being mean to me, tellin' me to shut up, pushin' me away, both physically and emotionally. He's so emotional and it's hard for him to open up but there comes a time where it's too much and I've had enough and I just don't understand-I stopped my sobbing, hearing the sounds of groans and turned around and a walker fell on top of me.

"No!" I screamed. "Get off!" I screamed. I looked into it's eyes and swore that this is probably going to be my death moment when all of a sudden the walker stops struggling and fighting and goes limp. I look at it and see an arrow in the side of its head. Daryl. I look up to see Daryl walking towards me. He drags the walker off of me and reaches his hand out for me to take. I ignore it and get up, continuing to walk away.

"Hey, I'm the only one who should be on top of you." He said jokingly. We joke like that a lot. So I know that he's trying to joke with me right now.

I feel him walk closer behind me so I pick up my pace but he catches up with me grabbing me by the hand.


"What!?!?" I shouted. "What the hell do you want!?" I yelled and felt his lips crash against mine once again but I pull away.

"I'm sorry." He said and I laughed.

"You're sorry? Are you fricking kidding me? That's it you can go ahead and screw with my feelings and make me feel something for you and then you start being a jerk and you just say you're sorry?"

"Yeah! I said I was sorry!! So you can either stop being a dramatic bitch queen and accept it or go fuck yourself!"

"You're a dick." I said and gritted my teeth.

"And you're a controlling whore!"

"I hate you!!" I said and his facial features softened.

"What?" He said.

"I hate you!" I said again. These three words seemed to have shattered him. He stood silently and I started walking again.

"Beth, Beth. Wait, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm an asshole." He said.

"Yeah. You are." I agreed and started walking but yet again he grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Beth look at me." He said in his gruff, seductive, sexy, redneck, bad boy voice. I slowly turned my head and met his face. His face was full of guilt and apology. "Beth, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry. When I get too close to people, sometimes I freak-"

"Yeah I've noticed." I said

"Beth, my whole life I've had people flake on me and leave me. I grew up unloved with no one giving two shits about me. Merle sometimes would but sometimes he'd be a giant asshole, bigger than me. I like how we've become so close. You and me, we're like two beers in a pod." He said and I laughed.

"Honestly, you're my best friend. And I have to tell you something. Something I've felt for awhile now-"

"HELP!!!" We here a blood curdling scream. We look behind us and see a woman in the middle of the highway being torn apart by walkers. A couple of them notice us and start walking towards us.

"C'mon let's go!" Daryl said. "Hop on." He said and we both hopped on his motorcycle and started driving away.

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